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"I'm happy that we could finally find the time to have dinner together," Kylie said as she beamed, grinning from ear to ear.

Kayla takes a sip of her red wine.

"Yeah me too," Kayla said.

"I feel like we haven't been together in ages," Kylie said.

"I wonder why," Kayla said.

"You're never home," Kylie said.

She looks at Kylie, eyebrow raised.

Kylie readjusts in her seat.

She laughs a bit, baffled. "Nuh-uh! I'm home enough to the point that you can come over and I'll be there or you can just call me and we can hang out," She told Kylie.

Kylie looks in disbelief, she shakes her head.

"I can't come around because you put your relationship before our relationship. I don't see you as much anymore and we can barely get along without fighting," Kylie said.

"Demi has nothing to do with our relationship with each other, Kylie, and you know that. If anything she tries to push us to hang out more but you give her the cold shoulder," She said.

Dinner doesn't go as planned. Kayla and Kylie can't have a decent conversation without arguing or blaming each other for their broken relationship.

So, Kayla leaves while Kylie tearfully calls their mom to let her know that her relationship with Kayla is beyond repairable. Kris is sad to hear that her youngest daughters can't get along.

Kayla calls Demi, crying. She is so tired of fighting with Kylie that she is prepared to cut off her sister for good. Demi doesn't believe that Kayla wants to do that.

"I can't keep doing this with her," Kayla said as her bodyguard drives her home. "How many times can she keep blaming everyone but herself for our issues with each other?" Kayla asked as Demi listen to her rant about Kylie.

"Your relationship with Kylie isn't healthy, it's like you guys are mad at each other for the lack of co-dependency. You both want each other to be there more than fifty percent but you live two different lives," Demi explained to Kayla.

It's true. Like every other twin relationship, Kayla and Kylie were inseparable. They did everything together including sharing the same group of friends. Their relationship began taking a turn for the worse when Kayla struggled to fully cut off Jordyn after Tristan kissed her at a party because Kylie felt like if she had to give up Jordyn then so did Kayla but Kayla didn't.

Kayla and Jordyn were still talking after everything went down. Of course, their relationship was never the same but they are still in contact with each other.

Then it became nearly nonexistent when Kayla started dating Demi. Kylie felt like Kayla was being taken from her while Kayla felt like Kylie was suffocating her. It's the main reason why she moved to Florida. She needed space from Kylie.

"I think you should invite Kylie to come to stay at our place and maybe let her see you in your comfort zone," Demi suggested to Kayla.

"You think that Kylie motheefucking Jenner is going to come and stay at our house in Tampa, you must be joking," Kayla said.

Demi sighed.

"See that's the part of the problem. Why can't she come into your world in Tampa? Are you ashamed of the life you created in Tampa? This is what causing the disconnect in your relationship with her. You don't let her in, Kayla," Demi pointed out to Kayla.

Kayla scoffed.

"It's not like she tries to be a part of it," Kayla said.

"But how can she try if you don't give her the chance to? The moment she shows any sign of disapproval you shut down and want her out of your life," Demi said.

Kayla gasped.

"Oh my gosh," Kayla said.

Demi knew she made her point.

"Exactly," Demi said.

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