VIII• A Purple Hyacinth

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☠︎︎ I have so many ideas for the title but i think I'll settle with this

Third Person POV:

Leslie jumps back in horror, by how strong her old friend has gotten. "Maybe it's time to end you, I've waited long enough." Leslie says sternly, taking Stan's attention with concern. Kyle's eyes burn in rage as he charges Leslie.

"Enough of your games Les!" Kyle says angrily while Leslie only stares at him with amusement plastered on her face, she opens her arms, a gesture which seems like she wants a hug from Kyle, but it seems to be the opposite.
The ground starts to shake, everyone was in a tussle not being able to hold their balance well, "Leslie-!" Kyle shouts at her before falling down the ground, completely losing his balance and his legs feeling suddenly numb.

Stanley runs over to Kyle worriedly but failing because of the earthquake Leslie was causing, on the verge of tears he could only watch. Everyone was on the ground, desperately trying to escape from the priestess' cage, bodies becoming numb to the point they could only talk, like rats trapped in a glue trap desperately trying to get out.
Leslie reaches her hand in front and points to Kyle's forehead, her hand making a shadow of a gun.
"Leslie what the hell?! This wasn't the plan!" Cartman whines as he's also affected by Leslie's dominance against all of the others. Leslie simply ignores Cartman's cries and continues to stare sternly at Kyle, Kyle looks over to Stan, seeing him trying the best he can to get out of the glue trap of Leslie. Kyle's gaze softens, accepting his fate at this point.
Leslie grins, holding her arm and gripping on it tightly. Stan could only watch this happen, there's nothing he could do.

Leslie shoots a glass bullet on Kyle's heart. Stanley observed, tearing up and staring at Kyle, Kyle looked over to Stan and smiled softly before his gaze softened and closed his eyes.

Rain starts to pour down from the sky as the priestess leaves, taking cartman with her, basically dragging his cape. The ground stops shaking and everyone was set free from the "glue trap". Wendy immediately stood up and turned around to see if Leslie and Cartman was still there for her to attack but they were no where to be found. When Stan finally found his balance once again he runs over to the king, the King's unconscious body. Kyle's body slowly collapses to the ground as Stan tries his best to keep his vision clear against the tears he's holding, running hurriedly to the king and holding him tightly, sobbing hardly as he hugs Kyle tighter than before, Kyle manages to breath a bit more and lift his arm up, hugging Stanley back with tears in his eyes.
Everyone else is in tears seeing this, Bebe and Wendy on their knees crying and sobbing, Jimmy scurrying over to Kyle to check if there's still time for him.
Tweek and Craig holding each other while sobbing in sorrow.
"Jimmy- You gotta h-help him somehow?!" Stanley manages to say in the middle of sobs and sniffles as Jimmy looks at him sadly. Stan only sobs harder, burying his face into Kyle's neck while he trembles, rain pouring over to them as Stanley is on his knees, bawling his eyes out of sorrow onto Kyle's body.

A few hours pass, the rain stops and everyone was already cleaning the bloodshed. Stan is inside the Jade Sanctuary, Kyle's dead body on Stan's bed as Stanley goes over to Kyle's room once again, his eyes puffy and red from crying alot, still shedding tears as he walks slowly over to the flower Kyle showed him a few weeks ago,
A Purple Hyacinth.
Stanley still remembers the things Kyle told him about this specific flower, bringing him more sorrow as he grips on the table in despair, but then pausing, remembering what he needed to do first.
Stanley enters his room, seeing Kyle's corpse on his bed which he brought there earlier, his wound glowing blue and the blood seeming to disappear. Stan thought he was still going to be okay so he hurriedly carried Kyle's body and ran over to Jimmy's workspace, shouting his name and pleading for him to check his injuries if he's gonna stay with him again.
"Come on.. You can't break it, we made a promise.." Stan pleads while holding Kyle's hand, Jimmy takes a closer inspection on Kyle's wound as it glows brighter than before, Jimmy calls over Tweek and Craig to see if they could do anything to play with Kyle's life and make him stay for a little longer.

An hour pass by, but still nothing, everyone in distress finding they could do nothing and Leslie's damage was irreversible since she shot him in the heart, "I'll give him my heart- Please-! Anything.. I'll do anything..." Stan starts sobbing, holding Kyle's hand more tighter now. "Stan.. We u-understand your despair but.. Leslie is simply made differently, she isn't a human, she isn't an elf, she's something we don't understand yet, theres no cure to this..!" Tweek murmurs while starting to tear up, Jimmy nods in agreement making Stan weep more, he stands up and starts to carry Kyle's body, "Hey Stanley, where are you going to bring him?!" Craig yells in defense, "..Somewhere I could still see him." Stan runs off with Kyle's body and off the forest.
After a while of wandering in the forest, he finally found it, the tree they spent the night together once. Stanley's eyes widen in shock seeing the tree's leaves completely gone from the branches and on the ground, he glances over to the side seeing Mori resting beside the wilted tree. Stan takes a step forward and walking over to the tree, slowly waking Mori up making it scurry over to the bushes.
Stanley didn't mind, but instead focused on something else, he laid Kyle's body, leaning it back on the tree before Stanley getting an idea and running away and back to the Jade Sanctuary, leaving Kyle's body there.
"..What d-" Jimmy's interrupted by Tweek, "Let Stan be.. He knows what he's doing, lets just leave.." Tweek stands up and walks away in despair seeing Stan's desperation. The other two simply follow him back the sanctuary
(the three followed stan over to the tree btw)

After a while Stan finally comes back to the tree with a soft smile plastered on his face as the sun starts to set over the horizon with a pot of flower on his hand only to find, Kyle's body not being there anymore.
Stan's eyes widen in shock and hurriedly run over to the tree to check where he is now, but his gaze then softens seeing the tree have a large green symbol on it, the same symbol which Kyle had on his red robes. It's like his body got imbedded onto the wilted tree.
Branches getting sharper and having much more branches than before, eerily looking more like Kyle's crown made of sticks, bones and gems now, the roots of the tree slowly fading to the color of green he once wore as a hat and the symbol on the tree glowing brighter. Stanley sits down and sets the pot of flowers beside him as the skies get darker and get filled with bright stars.

"My king.. Do you remember our promise? You broke it, yeah.. But. I don't mind.. I guess we both broke it since I didn't even help at all.. The promise of us not leaving each other's side, growing up together till our very last breath? Oh and the wish as well..
The wish I made under this very same tree while you slept! I guess I could tell you the wish I made now..
My wish.. I wished that-
You wouldn't leave my side, to be alone in the Sanctuary, and that if I see any more beautiful flowers, I had to give them to you since I knew how much you liked flowers, right? If i heard beautiful music, I'd make you listen to it to see your smile. But I guess the stars didn't really like me this time.
I also have something else to tell you,
I knew that.. In my brain and in my heart, you were the one I loved. Every time I looked into your eyes I would smile, I would see beautiful stars in it,
Everytime you smile I'd smile, it just brings me so much happiness to see you enjoying your time with me it hurts.
It hurts that I wont be telling you know how much I loved you, I loved you, my king. I loved you from the very start, the way you showed me kindness that no one else did, I knew you were the one, the one I'd spend my time with, the one I'd share my sorrows, my despair, my problems with, and my strength. I still remember the time you told me so much about a certain flower, I could tell you really liked this flower so I brought it here.. A Purple Hyacinth.
A Purple Hyacinth, usually meaning sorrows and regret right? That's what you told me. You loved it no matter what meaning it holds, simply because it pleases your eyes. But now I understand the meaning of the flower more than before, sorrow and regret. I brought it to you to show my feelings I once felt when you left, sorrow and regret. I only had one job, and that is to protect you, but you didn't give me a chance, I'm not a vulnerable child anymore and I want you to understand that.
My King.. I love you."
Stanley says softly while being on the verge of tears, staring at the tree and then on the flower which he buried in the ground, hoping it would grow more flowers. He walks over to the large rock near the tree and carves Kyle's name, as if it were a tombstone and attached one of Kyle's pictures he took from his own room and attached it onto the rock, also laying the green ushanka Kyle wore and placed it on the rock.
"I'll visit you everyday. I promise." Stan sobs while walking away and making his way back to the Jade Sanctuary.


Words: 1742

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