I• Gilded Blessing

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Its my first time writing something as fancy as this, or smth like that, english aint my first language so please bear with me here with some grammar and spelling mistakes 💀

Introduction/what happened first before the stort below is in story description
Third Person POV;

2pm, The opposite side of the near kingdom, full of ridicule and manipulation, kingdom of 'Aural Sorcerer', ruled by the wizard king himself, Eric Theodore Cartman. The gates slowly opening its doors to the outside forest, "Throw him out! Such lying little fool shall pay his price,, for lying at such cursed times." Cartman, the wizard ruler had demanded to his closest acquaintance, dear Paladin Butters, Paladin Leopold Stotch. "Y-yes sir!-" Butters stammered while holding the chains of Stanley's metal cuffs that's locked onto his wrists.
"I swear,, i did not lie!" Stan pleaded while turning his head around to his now 'former' king.
A few moments later, Stan got knocked out by one of the guards and now left alone in the gloomy woods, glowing mushrooms near the trees, hazy blue mist around the large trees and a faint sound of howls and horns in the distant, making the forest much more eerie. Footsteps can be heard ahead, faint noises from the grass and rocky path emit from the trees ahead,
"Show yourself!" Stan said being rather terrified, thinking of the footsteps ahead to be some kind of wolf pack as the rumors of this forest says, as he gains more consciousness over his body, he notices that the cuffs on his wrists were no longer there and is on the floor, he shakes it off and grabs his sword from his back and quickly positions himself to a fighting stance as the sound of footsteps come closer. "Who are you?!" He yelled, which then echoed through the forest, sending crows to the air making more noise, as soon as he said that a bright blue light shines through the foggy forest, the rays of blue light shines brighter, having to force Stan to cover his eyes with his hands as a strong breeze of air hits him, the blue light suddenly fades away and Stanley opens his eyes once again, seeing the fog all gone and instead seeing someone, a person.

"State your purpose for i shall dispose of your presence." This person said with a stern voice, pointing his staff to this "outsider", Stan Marsh. Stanley lowers his guard after familiarizing his opponent, placing his sword back on its place and silently prays for mercy, for the person he's standing infront of is the opponent kingdom's ruler himself. Kyle Broflovski, an Elven King who declared war with his former king, Theodore Cartman not so long ago. "Speak! Who sent you here?!" Kyle, The Elven king said, now with a more annoyed and angered tone making Stan snap out of his thoughts and making his soul pray for mercy, "No one has sent me here!" Stan says in a quick manner and then bows, lowering his head as the Elven king drops his guard. "State your reasons for why you rather look beat up." Kyle says while taking a step closer to Stan, "May i ask for your name?" He adds in as he grabs his chin and forces him to look up into his eyes as Kyle looks at Stan intensely, making the other be more terrified. "S-Stan Marsh's the name my lord, i was exiled from my former kingdom-!" Stan said while closing his eyes, praying for him to stay alive in one piece, Kyle softens his grip and expression as he lets go of Stan and looks at him with a concerned look, he then takes notice of a grey metal on the ground and fixes his attention towards it, crouching down and slowly picking the shattered metal cuffs on the ground and examining it really closely. After a few moments he throws it on the ground and turns his head around to look at Stan who's unconsciously staring at Kyle the whole time.
"If im not wrong, you were exiled right?" Kyle says softly,
Stanley just simply nods as a response, "Follow me, i believe your reasoning for why you are intruding my territory." The Elven king said before turning around and walks the other way, leaving no choice but for Stan to follow.
Stan follows Kyle for a few long minutes until they reach a gate, The Elven king simply snaps his fingers which makes the wooden gates open, revealing such a lively village which where there are people everywhere. Stan and Kyle makes their way through a path behind the village through the main building of the village, Kyle opens the door which they are immediately greeted by the guards, Kyle gestures Stan to walk inside and as they make way to the central room of the building they cross paths with the White Magic Sorcerer or an Animancer, Tweek Tweak. "My lord! May I ask who is this man you brought in..? Is he a new recruit?!" Tweek says with a concered look plastered on his face as he glances over to Stan while talking to Kyle. "No worries Tweek, you may go on and finish your works and yes he is a new recruit." Kyle says calmly, making Tweek simply nod and walk away to the other room nearby. After a while of walking the two finally reaches a specific room. Kyle opens the door to reveal a massive room with chairs, books, weapons, you name it. Stan stares at awe as Kyle invites him in to have a "talk".
"So, Stanley Marsh. You may question me anything but before that, I want you to know the reason i brought you here. I brought you here cause you've been exiled from your former kingdom, i can assume its that fools' kingdom, Grand Wizard King is it? I know you are from different sides from ours but I am inviting you to my sanctuary instead. I want you, to be my personal guardian. I've seen your potential, I've seen it all." Kyle says sternly as he looks into Stans eyes, Stanley on the other hand, his eyes are widened with shock, "W-What-?! My lord-! You're taking this way too fast, dont you think its irrational of you to just take in a random stranger under your Majesty's wing-?!" Stan says while backing up abit, being in denial about the Elven King's decision. "Why I like your reasoning, I like the way you think. The way you reponded to me is way different than the others, the others would just thank me while you on the other hand.. Tries to deny it. You can think it over if you want. But it would be real nice for dear Wendy Testaburger to take a break from all her work." Kyle turns around and making his way to the large nearby window. It only took a few minutes for Stan to agree to the King's offering.
"Why very well! I'll introduce you to Wendy and the others later, but first I'd like you to change that raggedy clothes of yours and that worn out sword. You may ask the nearby guards and maidens for help, just say you're the new recruit and you were sent by me." Kyle says with a smirk on his face, leaving Stan flustered by his lords kindness.

30 minutes pass and Stan opens the door to the King's room in an entirely new outfit, a blue metal helmet, more secure armor, and a green cape, along with a new sword aswell. Stan finds Kyle reading a book while his crown and hat is laid on the table nearby and his staff resting beside the arm chair he's sitting in. "Your majesty, I'm back..!" Stanley said taking Kyle's attention from the book to him, Kyle's eyes widen in awe as he stares at Stan's new costume for a while before standing up and walks towards him. "My, you look stunning! I do hope its comfortable for you."
"Yes, thank you my lord for your hospitality." Stan says with a smile, Kyle just lets out a soft laugh and leans in to fix Stans chest piece, rotating it on the other side to make it symmetrical.
"I think its time I introduce you to the others, everytime theres a new recruit, all the important members of this kingdom is gathered in the meeting room, introduce new recruits like you!" Kyle happily says as he walks over to the rope that comes from the ceiling and pulls it, making a sound of a bell ring once. "Lets go." The king said while walking over to the meeting room.

After a few minutes every important member of the kingdom is in the room and then the introductions start.
"I would like to introduce to you all, Stanley Marsh. The newest recruit which I've assigned to be my personal guardian." Kyle says while raising his staff and points it towards Stan, making everyone in the room applaud. The two step down from the small stage and everyone else forms a small circle.

Introduction part;

:"Why Hello there! I hope you enjoy your stay here." - Wendy Testaburger, Chief leader of the knights and guardians
:"O-Oh! I do hope you enjoy it here!" - Tweek Tweak, White Magic User/Animancer
:"Protect the king, that's your job." - Craig Tucker, Black Magic User/Necromancer
:"Be s-s-safe out there-!" - Jimmy Valmer, Village Healer
:"Do your job well!" - Clyde Donovan, Letter Carrier
:"Don't let the king get hurt." - Lady McCormick, Princess
(kenny talks normally in this AU btw, lady mccormick is incharge of the whole kingdom whenever the elven king kyle isn't around)

"Well that's everyone, If you have any questions you can ask me." Kyle says before going back up the small stage and pulls the rope from the ceiling, the bell ringing 2 times now, everyone in the room continues to leave and go to their own seperated rooms. "Stan, since you're now my personal guardian I'd like you to have your own room to make yourself feel like home. Your home is this kingdom now." Kyle said while pointing at the door nearby and turning around, walking away towards the library part of the room. Stan says nothing and instead walks over the door Kyle pointed at and opens it, revealing a quite large room with alot of fighting equipments, even training dummies.

A day passes later,
Stan is in his room checking out his new weapons and practicing how to wield them, while Kyle is still reading a book before all the crows in the forest set off for flight and make noise, leaving Kyle take a glance over the window and walking over to it, putting his book down and looking out his window before someone knocks onto the door frantically, "Come in." Kyle said without turning around, the door busts open, Clyde running over towards the king with a burnt letter in his hand, showing it to Kyle. "My lord! My lord!! A new letter came in- The Grand Wizard heard rumors about us stealing THEIR unit!! Wasn't Stanley exiled?!" Clyde shouts over to Kyle frantically, being visibly stressed as Kyle's eyes grow wide in shock, Kyle opens his mouth to speak but gets cut off by Clyde which was reading the letter more carefully, "Oh god,, They want the war to start tomorrow-!"
"What?!" The king accidentally shouts out, disgusted and terrified of the grand wizards absurd and irrational way, the two starts planning worriedly about the war,
"Hide Stan.." -K
"What-?" -C
"I said hide Stan!" -K
"He isn't ready yet for a war, he's going to die Clyde. We just took him in for a day and he's ascending already?! I will not let that happen." -K
"What are we supposed to do?! Lock him up in his room??" -C
"Lock him up." -K
"WHAT??" -C
"There's no other way he's gonna keep in secured without him trying to escape, he's definitely going to sneak out if we dont secure him in one place." -K
"As you wish my lord.." -C

Stan over hears all about the two's coversation through the door, he stands up and paces around his room worriedly about the war happening,
"If he locks me up i have to go out one way or another or he's going to get hurt.."


Words; 2078

Elven Forest Sovereign • StyleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora