Chapter 14

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-weekend's morning-

I waked up a little early today as I remembered I still have a date with JB so I run as fast as possible to the bathroom , spending hours to finish showering , brushing teeth and choosing clothes (well, no make up because I look pretty without it kekeke) after finished my business I went out of my house.....

I slowly walk to the gate where girls (my neighbors) are rounded something , yup , that's JB , he has been popular here now since he started to pick me up these days.....

As he saw me

"An Yong" he called out my name and waved at me... I smile and walk toward him

"So that's your new boyfriend?" A familiar voice pop up right behind my back , I turn my head to see him

That's Jungkook , he look at me with non feeling eyes , but his voice somewhat sounded unhappy

"No, we are just friend" I replied "but what are you doing here in the morning" I added , well, Jungkook's house is near me by the way ~

"I'm doing exercise , whatever , be happy my dear sis" he said and walk away

I continue walking toward JB as he is looking at those girls annoyingly

"excuse me, My Queen came " he excused to those girls as he open his car's front door to let me get in

5minutes passed

"Those girls are so annoy " JB spoke up

"Haha , yup they are.." I said while looking out of the window

"Is he your boyfriend?" He suddenly asking

"Nuguya? (Who?)" I gaze at him

"The one you talked to at that moment "

"Oh , Aniya (no) " I shook my head a little "he is my ex-boyfriend" I added

"Oh I see , the way he looks at me is pissed me off" JB said smiling

"Ouh c'mon, he only looked at you"

"Btw, where are we going?" I added

"I'm kinda hungry , let's eat first ok?" He said without looking at me

"Oh sure"

We went to a restaurant for diner , as we finished , he took me to Game's Land , we played a lot , we also watched movie together , and we end up sitting in the park next to my house

"It's fun today" I said smiling brightly

"Glad that you are happy " he said looking at me

"Nae , thanks ^^"

"AnYong-ah....." He called


"Can we..... Getting more closer?"

"What are you talking about?"

Well, I'm just pretending xD I know exactly what he is talking to~

see? I won, I never fail letting anybody fall in love with me and I'm proud about it hahaha ~

"I meant our relationship...." He said "can we be more than just a friend?" He added

"Ughh....." I'm not going to refuse but....I feel like I'm not ready yet....

"Are you going to rejecting me?" He said looking down to the grasses

"Uh, no "

"So , is it mean that you are accepting me?"

"Uhmm, nae..." Whatever~ I need someone to complete my lonely single days ~ kekeke

"Aww , thank you jagiya" he said as he kiss me on the cheek

"Uhmm, JB ah~ I guess I should be home now "

"Ok ok, I will walk you home " he said as he hold my hand

"What about your car?"

"Just keep it here , nothing will happen with it i guess " he said as we are heading to my house

So , that's how I spend my weekend ~


My girlfriend is a Queen (EXO)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя