Bloodsucker 1/3(Overlord Fandom)

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[Small/1150 Words]


!!For the purpose of this story and its subsequent parts, Shalltear will be aged up since I don't like the whole loli thing. Thanks and enjoy:) !!

Screams, death, and so much blood-

That's what surrounded me as enemy soldiers stormed through my village, slaughtering all they came across. Many of my friends and family have already fallen and soon I reckon I'll be dead alongside them. My hiding spot in the town stable would soon be discovered and then, a gruesome death awaited me.

"CHECK THOSE STABLES!" A harsh voice barks before I hear the sound of heavy metal boots thundering closer. This is it, my life is about to end and I have no say in it. Although, maybe it wouldn't be so bad really. My family and friends are already dead so what do I really have to live for?

"WHO THE HELL IS THAT!?" The same harsh voice yells before bloodcurdling screams, this time from the soldiers begins to erupt. Peeking out through the small gap in the wall, I honestly can't comprehend what I'm seeing. What looks like a young woman clad in an elegant dress is viciously ripping apart soldiers left and right. In her hands is a large lance that she seems practically one with as she dances around, effortlessly dodging any strikes aimed her way. This beautiful waltz of death continues for just a few more seconds before the last scream is uttered and everything falls silent.

Despite it ending, I still find myself staring at the now motionless girl, curious as to what she'll do next. This proves to be a mistake when the girl all of a sudden spins around before seemingly staring right at me! I gasp in shock and can only freeze as the woman dashes forward while raising her weapon up to strike. I prepare once again for death as I hear the loud splintering of wood but nothing happens. Opening my eyes, I see that the entire wall in Infront of me is no more, and in the new gap is the woman I saw.

"Hmm..? Are you the last one?" The woman drawls in an amused voice while crouching down to me, her weapon seemingly disappearing into thin air in the process. "Well?"

"Thank you," I blurt, my desire to thank this woman for saving me winning out against my fear. I can tell she wasn't expecting this based on the confused look she gives me along with a little smile. "And um, I am the last one."

. . .

"Hmmmm," she drawls before suddenly shortening the distance between us so that we are practically face-to-face. I can't help but gulp as I stare into this girl's blood-red eyes. "I don't usually do this but...." she continues before her mouth opens wide, giving me a clear view of sharp fangs. I'm scared again but she gives me no time to question or prepare myself as she lurches forward, sinking her fangs deep into my neck. It hurts so much but luckily after just a few seconds of agony, I see black invading my vision and the world slips away.


How long I was unconscious I don't know but as I wake up, I realize I'm definitely not in the stables anymore. clenching my hands and sitting up, I see that I'm on some sort of very large bed decorated in reds and blacks. Looking around further, my location becomes even more confusing as the stone walls make me think I'm underground somewhere. Maybe...

"Am I dead?" I question to myself, not really expecting an answer but that's exactly what I got.

"Nope~" The recognizable voice says from right behind me. Turning to the other side of the huge bed in shock, I see that the woman is indeed there and laying right next to me! "Your lucky; most humans die in the transformation."

"Transformation?" I question, before gaping as I finally see myself in a mirror. My prior brown hair is now almost entirely white while my once ocean-blue eyes are now a dark red like the girls. Moving my tongue around a little bit, my suspicions are confirmed as I feel fangs in my mouth. She had turned me into a vampire...I.....I'm a monster now....

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Tears well up in my eyes at the realization of what I now am. Much to my surprise though, the girl swoops in at the first sight of my tears and pulls me into her arms.

"There there, I'm here for you," She says reassuringly. The words just make me sob more due to the familiarity but I take solace in the comfort of her hug and embrace her back. For minutes I cry on this woman's shoulder, her rubbing her hand on my back before I get a hold of myself and stop the tears.

As I separate from the embrace, I slightly frown at the feeling of comfort disappearing but know me and this woman need to talk.

"Thank you for that..." I whisper softly.

"Of course- I take care of my own after all."

I can't help the smile at her words, being called one of her own making me weirdly happy. Staring at her with my smile, I start to observe her fully for the first time. Now that my eyes and hair changed, I observe that we are basically matching. Of course, were definitely not identical since as I stare more into her eyes, I can see the crimson shines brighter than mine. Then there was the rest of her and after seeing all that, I could only think one word-


"You still there...." she trails off and it's then that I realize that we don't even know each other's names at this point.

"Ah sorry, my name is Farrah Edwards, and you?"

"Hmm- Farrah as in beautiful no? I must say it's very fitting," She says with a wink, making my cheeks warm at the sudden compliment. "Shalltear Bloodfallen~ lovely to meet you Farrah~"

'Shalltear' I mentally repeat to myself a few times, not wanting to forget my saviors name.

"I must go inform some people of your awakening, please wait here for me dear~" Shalltear sings while hopping off the bed. From there, I watch as she walks across the room and disappears through some doors. Now that she was gone, It was quite silent and my thoughts begin to emerge. They're a whirlwind of emotions that I can barely comprehend but one stands up against the others.

'Can I be happy here I wonder?'

I think long and hard on this, long enough that Shalltear slips back into the room before I can make a conclusion. "Time for you to learn about being a vampire," She states before reaching over and grabbing my hand to pull me off the bed. Looking at our intertwined hands and the smile on her face, I think maybe, just maybe I can truly be happy here.

1150 Words

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