Kuro(DXD Fandom)

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[Small/1067 Words]


Why is this happening I wonder?

The once peaceful village full of beauty and joy is now a sea of flames and blood as the devils storm through. They show no mercy to those they find and I know, I'll soon be joining my brethren on the forest floor. I don't want to die of course but I don't have the strength to fight. I can't even run since they blocked off all means of escape. My fate is inevitable and the only thought in my mind as I cower behind some rubble is of Kuroka.

I hope by some miracle she and her sister manage to flee. They are the only two I can honestly say I care for and consider friends. Of course, my complicated feelings for Kuroka definitely contribute to that. How could I not fall for the strong willed and beautiful girl after all?

"Oi you dirty cat," A cruel voice suddenly snarls, breaking me out of thoughts as a devil walks into my sight. The devil is covered in blood and horrifyingly enough has the heads of some villagers hanging on his waist. The sight makes me dry heave, knowing that I will soon just be another head to adorn the devils body. Staring at said devil in fear, I watch as he raises his blade up in preparation to strike. Time seems to slow down to a halt as I watch his blade descend, my neck the obvious target.

Closing my eyes, I breathe deeply and start seeing flashes of memories dancing through my mind. From the past when I was with my old family to all the good new memories I have with Kuroka and hers. A single tear comes to my eye before I hear some ones voice.

"SORA!!" They scream, causing me to snap my eyes open and see the blade is almost upon me. Before it can connect however, the devil is suddenly overcome by a blue fiery explosion that practically evaporates him. The explosion is large enough that I feel myself get burnt all over and sent flying back. Groaning on the ground, I wince and mewl at the pain and ringing in my ears but gasp lightly as I feel two hands on my cheeks.

"SORA!?....SORA?!" Looking up at my savior, I smile in relief when I see Kuroka herself. She looks incredibly worried but relaxes right away when she sees me looking at her.

"I'm so glad I *sniff* made it in time S-Sora," She whispers while tears of her own spring to her eyes. She cries over me for a moment before scooping me up and beginning to run. Despite our dire circumstances, I can't help but be embarrassed at the fact that she's holding me. The feeling of being held against her does calm my racing nerves though and has me feeling....safe.

Settling into her arms, I watch as more and more trees blur past us the further we get away from the village. Sometime as we are fleeing, I see her sister join us in running, taking a few worried glances at me. Finally, after what feels like an hour of travel, the sounds of the village are no longer audible and it's just us.

Kuroka glances around cautiously before finding the softest grass to put me down on. I still wince in pain as she lowers me but smile regardless at her for being so considerate. After setting me down, Kuroka begins talking in a hushed tone to her sister before said sister runs off deeper into the forest. I groan in confusion which gets Kuroka to come sit next to me and explain.

"Shiro is going to find some herbs for those....burns," She started off strong before whispering miserably as she stated my injury.

'She's probably blaming herself' I conclude before reaching over to her and holding her hand. I rub slow small circles on her palm to reassure her before speaking, "I don't blame you one bit Kuroka. If you hadn't done what you did then I would have died back there. You saved me and," I pause while blushing slightly. "I'm so grateful you did."

Kuroka smiles very slightly at this and I can tell by the way her body relaxes that I reassured her enough.

. . .

. . .

. . .

"I was thinking about you, you know?" I suddenly state, catching Kuroka by surprise after a few minutes of silence.

"You were?"

"I was scared I would never see you again," I hiccup, my eyes becoming wet once again as the tears start to form.

"Sora...." She whispers back before laying down next to me and pulling me close. In her hug, the fragile damn I may of had bursts and hot tears begin to flow freely from my eyes. The relief is overpowering and all I can think is I'm okay, she's okay, were okay. I cry and cry into her body while gripping her clothes, not wanting to have any chance of losing her.

"I'm here Sora....I'm here."

The words just make me choke up more as I bury myself into her, my only desire being to stick to her for as long as possible. I think I know now more than ever that my feelings for this girl are a little more than just 'like'. Instead, I think I really love her....

. . .

Time definitely passes as we lay here, how much though I don't really know. All I know Is that we eventually do pull away as Shiro comes back with the herbs. What follows is a at first painful experience as the two sisters apply the mushed plants to my wounds but quickly relaxing as the numbing takes effect. Makeshift bandages come next and soon enough we are moving through the forest once again.

Kuroka offered to carry me again and despite the great temptation, I decide to walk alongside her instead. I still wanted contact though so I intertwined our hands while walking, Kuroka squeezing back in turn. Our hand in hand walk leads us through the forest before all three of us end up in a protected clearing.

Looking around, I can only hope that we are safe here and wont be pursued. I'm definitely going to miss the village but like people say, home isn't a place, it's a feeling and I know for a fact that I feel far more at home In Kuroka's arms than I ever have anywhere else.

1067 Words

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