chapter 3

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Fortunately, for the time being, and despite the fact that i was chased I haven't been shot.


Me and my big mouth. Of course I need to say this and then get shot and by what? By an arrow for god's sake! The arrow was in my arm.

I couldn't let it be there. So I took it out and disgarded on the ground.

I need to go to a public place so I can blend in and won't recognised.

Thank god I was wearing a leather jacket so the wound wasn't exposed and the blood wasn't visible, but it would be in some minutes because the wound was deep.

I kept on running until I was in an avenue, I guess because there was a lot of people and cars.

I spotted some woman going out of her car. As soon as I took her keys, I jumped in and started speeding.

Looking from the rear view mirror I saw about fifteen men in black with guns and the archer responsible for my injury.

All them wore black masks except for the archer. He had blue-gray eyes with light brown hair. If he didn't try to hunt me down, I would say he was handsome, but not now.

As soon as I was far away from them, a black SUV came and took them and started chasing me.

I knew I should have gone underground so they both couldn't communicate through radio and locate me.

So I made a plan.

I would continue by car until I see an underground metro station. It shouldn't be difficult.

I spotted a metro station which was underground, so I abandon the car and ran to go dow to it.

The time I was near the trains one of them was reay to go so I jumped in.

At least this time, luck was by my side so the time the doors closed I saw them desceding the stairs.


~the assasin and the archer~ (a hawkeye fanfiction story) __on-hold__Where stories live. Discover now