chapter 19

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At home
Y/ns pov

I came home and i don't know why but i throw up. "Jeez y/n you okay?" I hear juliana ask. "I'm sick," i say. "Yeah you're pale. Lay down i was planning on making soup anyway," she says. She gives me a bucket and i lay down on the couch.

Louis pov

Juliana walks to me. "Why does she have a hand on her cheek?" She asks but i shrug. "If i knew I'd tell you," i say. "I am gonna call school cus it is abuse if someone hit her," juliana grabs the phone and calls school.

She hangs up and looks so pissed. "They won't do any fucking thing about it! Cus y/ns behavior is bad," i look at her confused. "Y/n doesn't behave that bad. I mean yeah she isn't the nicest person to the teachers but her behavior isn't that bad," i say.

"I know that. When did she get it?" she asks. "After Noah wanted to talk to her," i say. "Were they alone?" Niall walks in. "Y/n just threw up blood. We need to go to the hospital," Niall says. 

We run to the y/n but she is already passed out. I call 911 and when they arrive they take y/n. 

"Okay lets go!" I say and we leave. When we arrive they have y/n a room already. "Did you find something already?" Juliana asks. "We are doing MRI scans. Sit down, need any coffee or something?" I nod and we just wait. 

James comes back. "Uh juliana can we talk? In private?" he sounds worried. "No i wanna know!" I protest harder then i thought. "Louis, I promise i will tell you okay?" I shake my head but it doesn't matter anymore. 

Julianas pov

I walk away anyways. "It looked like she has been raped and that she got pregnant by that. That isn't the worst part," james looks at me worried. Oh i am gonna call zayn and make him get someone finding out.

"So uh, she has cancer," he says. I need zayn now. I feel my heart drop. Breaking in a billion pieces. "C-can we do a surgery," i ask so fucking scared. "Yes we can. It didn't spread yet so it's okay. 1 problem you're not her legal guard so you need to call your boyfriend," i nod and grab my phone.

Zayns pov

Matheo walks to me. "You have a call. It's urgent," i haven't been this scared. He sounds worried too. I grab the phone. "Hello?" I say well asking. "You need to come to the hospital right now. It's y/n," i hear Julianas voice totally broken. I look at matheo. "I need to go to the hospital. It's my daughter," he nods.

"You need to promise you're gonna eat. I am gonna ask your girlfriend to keep an eye on you. If that goes right you can stay home," he says. I nod. "On my way!" I hang up and matheo brings me.

"Where is she?" I ask way more worried. "Before we go to her i need to tell you something," she says. The doctor comes to us. "So uh she has been raped and abused. She got pregnant. She won't tell us who it was but it isn't the worst part," he says. "What is?" I ask. "She has cancer. We can do surgery and it will be gone but she can die in surgery and well Juliana isn't her legal parent or guard we needed you,"

I suddenly feel 2 arms around me. I look and see Louis hugging and crying. I hug him back and feel tears but i need to stay strong. "Do the surgery and y/n does she know about the pregnancy?" I ask. "Not yet. That is her body and her decision," i say. They nod and tell y/n.

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