20 - Coffee

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Izuku is exhausted from working so hard for the past couple of weeks. The office has been especially busy, which meant he has had to stay late into the night just to get all of his work done. 

The only thing keeping him alive right now is the coffee shop just down the road from his workplace. With it being so close, Izuku has come to depend on it even more this week. 

The best part of it though, besides its proximity and the good coffee, is that it's mostly quiet and deserted. He loved the place and went whenever he got some free time or needed a break. 

He enters the small coffee shop, the small bell over the door ringing as he does so. The place is as deserted as ususal, the small tables empty as he walks to the counter. 

There is no one in the store, so he looks around a little bit. The smell of coffee is strong, accompanied by the smell of sweets and sugars. 

His body slightly relaxes as he lets it wash over him. The sound of someone opening the door that leads to the back and going to the counter alerts Izuku. He looks over and sees a man towering over him. 

The man's build is a lot bigger than his as he looks down at him with fiery red eyes. Hes seen this man a lot of times before, but he never really says anything. Just glares at him and gets him his order with a small curse word here and there. 

His name tag read 'Bakugou'. His spiky red hair shoots around his perfectly sculpted face like a golden halo, the fabric of his uniform straining against clear muscles. 

Izuku wasn't small by any means, having worked out most of his life to get rid of his lanky little body when he was a teen. Despite that fact, the man before him made him look like a baby. He smiles up at Bakugou warmly. 

He opens his mouth to tell the blonde what he wants, but the other just moves on, already knowing. Izuku had a habit of choosing the same things, even though he doesn't really mean too. 

Everything was just too good at this place that it was never a problem that he ordered the same thing over and over. 

He watches as the man moves smoothly, getting everything done with such smooth movements it's hard to look away. Izuku looks away to watch the clock. 

"Here's your shit nerd." 

Izuku looks back at Bakugo and sheepishly smiles, quicky picking up his coffee cup and the small paper bag with his pastry. 

"T-Thank you!" 

The blonde tchs, looking away and picking up a rag to start cleaning the counter. 


Izuku goes to a table, a small one next to the window. The chair scraps against the floor slightly as he settles down, his paper bag crinkling as he opens it to get his pastry out. 

Katsuki is exhausted from the constant boredom in his life. He tried to open up a cafe in a busy area, but he hasn't been getting a lot of customers lately. It's not like he has anyone important in his life, what's he doing this all for. 

The only thing keeping him alive right now is the cute nerd that always comes in from the office just down the road from his cafe. With it being so close, Katsuki has gotten used to seeing the nerd daily. 

The best part of seeing him is that smile he always has on his face. Even when he looks exhausted as all hell, he still has that bright gleam in his eyes. It's mostly quiet and deserted, with just the two of them in the cafe. 

He hears the bell ring in the front while he is out in the backroom, looking through inventory. There are no customers today, and its usually the time for peoples breaks, which means it can be no one other than that nerd. 

Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now