11 - Cabin

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It wasn't his fault.

This isn't his fault.

It's everyone else's, if they just left them alone then he wouldn't have had to do this. He didn't want to; he was forced to. He had to keep Izuku safe.

The freckled boy is tied up in this cabin, the same one his parents bought in fear of this happening. Long chains that let him leave the room and go into the bathroom, but short enough to stop him from ever reaching the stairs. Katsuki looks up at him from below when the boy grips onto the railing, unable to go any further.

He looks down at him, his green eyes dark and blank, as if he can't even see Katsuki. But he knows he can because there is the wrinkle of disgust on his perfect features. There are bruises all over his body, but still his pale skin is smooth. The blonde's stomach turns but he smiles.

He is doing this for them.

Katsuki sleeps with him in their bed, holding onto him tightly. That way he can never leave. The other does nothing except tangle his fingers in his hair and sometimes the blonde feels like he's going to pull the strands out. But Izuku does nothing and he lets go of the thought.

"The police are going to find you Kacchan. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

Katsuki stares at the wall ahead of him, feeling Izuku's cold hands trail lower to hold his shoulders. Izuku was always so so cold.

"I haven't done anything wrong Deku. Why would the police be after me."

Izuku hums, his eyes focusing on him. They lost their shine long ago.

"You've killed people Kacchan, a lot of people. They know about everything. And when they find this place, find what you've been hiding, you're going to go away for a long time."

Katsuki feels his cold hands hold his face, trailing his thumb along his cheek. He falters, his expression sad. Izuku still has that blank face.

"Do you..."

He wants Izuku to stop making that face, to at least try to sympathize with him.

"Do you want me to go away Deku?"

Izuku stares at him for a long time, the minutes ticking away.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

His voice is desperate, his heart picking up.

"You will be gone, and I'll be alone in this cabin Kacchan. I don't want you to go, I want to be the one who makes you suffer for what you've done."

Katsuki puts his hands over Izuku's, trying to warm them up.

"You won't be alone Deku, i won't go anywhere."

Izuku doesn't give an answer and Katsuki doesn't care in the moment, falling asleep.

Katsuki wakes up the next morning in an empty bed. There is blood on the sheets, and he pays no attention to it. He looks back and its gone. Better.

He looks for Izuku, but he isn't there. He must be down in the basement again. His nerd had an obsession with that place, he doesn't like it. He goes down the stairs and turns on the light. The small room is bathed in dim light.


He calls his name and sees him on the floor. There is blood all over the floor, dried and stained. Izuku's neck is twisted in an odd way, his legs purple and swollen. There are bite marks all over his body and his eyes are open.

They are blank.

Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Deku stop playing around and get up. It's time to eat."

When Izuku still doesn't get up, he rushes over, holding his head. It is limp and heavy.

"Deku?! What's wrong?! Get up!"

Izuku still doesn't move. Katsuki is hyperventilating and rushes up the stairs. If he goes upstairs everything will be alright.

Everything is ok.

He turns the corner into their bedroom and Izuku is laying there. He sleeps, his chest going up and down slowly. Katsuki stares at him, wiping the tears in the corner of his eyes. Izuku is here, right here. Hes sleeping in their bed. Everything is ok.

Izuku slowly opens his eyes and sits up. He doesn't do anything but stare at Katsuki, who smiles at him,

"Good morning love. How did you sleep?"

Izuku says nothing, just stares.

"Kacchan, the police are outside. You better go hide my body."

Katsuki tenses and steps closer to him,


Izuku's eyes are still blank, even in this situation.

"Go hide my body in the basement. The police will find it if you aren't fast."

There is a crash downstairs, accompanied by yelling. Katsuki doesn't turn around, running to Izuku.


The next time he blinks, Izuku is gone.

The sheets are covered in blood again. His hands are covered in blood.


Katsuki drops to his knees.


He is now alone. 

Left alone with all of his mistakes 

Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now