18 - Angler x Angel

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He's scary.

Big sharp teeth that jut out of his mouth, ready to eat anything that crosses his path. His blood red eyes are clouded, his spiky blonde hair respelling his teeth.

He's used to the darkness of the deep ocean, his home.

But for some reason, a force he doesn't even understand, he finds himself swimming closer to the surface than he ever has been in his life. 

He can't see the sun, but it feels lighter up here. Brighter. He isn't used to it, the colorful plants all around him and the expanse of blue sea.

He's bored up here after a while though, just swimming around. 

Until he sees him.

 His chest constricts and he stares at him, watching his tail brush against some of the colorful coral as he looks to his left, too occupied with something else to notice Katsuki staring at him.

Scales shine a dark green as he hums to himself, his equally dark green hair fluffing around to form a halo around his freckled face. Katsuki just stays still, watching the boy move around. He looks at himself, suddenly feeling a spike of self-consciousness.

He doesn't have scales like this boy, shining and beautiful. His tail is a mess of fins that go out, silver and brown. And don't even get him started on his face, teeth menacing and eyes so ugly, where this boy's face is something of perfection.

And those damn eyes

Katsuki doesn't even notice as he goes closer. What he does notice though is those perfect emerald eyes looking straight at him. They both stop moving, just staring at each other. 

The boy has stopped his movements, eyes darting to look all over Katsuki. Anger flashes in his gut for a moment, seeing the fear in the boy's eyes. 

Of course, look at him shaking in fear. 

What did you expect? 

Just look at you.

The boy doesn't do anything, opening and closing his mouth as he looks for something to say. Katsuki glares at him, also not doing anything. 

Fuck the surface, he's going back to the deep sea. At least there, he won't have to see fish so much better off.

As he goes to turn away, the boy darts toward him and grips his wrist.


He looks back at the boy in surprise, eyebrows furrowed. He has a face of panic, though there is determination and interest shining in them like stars. 

Katsuki can see the freckles on his shoulders, spread out so beautifully.

"I- I didn't mean to be rude! I promise! I've just never- I've never seen anyone like you before! Sorry, was that mean? I promise i didn't mean it in a rude way, it's just that I've never seen anyone with eyes like yours! Is that creepy? Or your teeth, or your tail, or anything really. What's your name? My names Izuku! I didn't mean to offend you! I'm really sorry!-"

Katsuki tunes out the rest of the boys rambling, focusing on his name.


Finally, he snaps out of it and growls, making the boy stop mid-sentence.

"Can you just shut the hell up for a second?! Damn!"

Izuku turns red and let's go of his wrist, the flush going all the way down to his shoulders.


Katsuki stares hard at his eyes, the meek way he looks down and rings his fingers together. He guesses its cute.

"Whatever. What's your deal."

Izuku looks back up at him, tilting his head slightly as he wears a confused expression. His big green eyes stare at him with such openness it makes Katsuki want to eat him alive.

"What do you mean?"

Katsuki rolls his eyes, then purposefully flashes his teeth at the boy, who just stares at him in further confusion. 

"You were scared before, but now your just... Standing there. Do you have a screw loose or something?" 

The green haired boy flushes again, his beautiful tail swishing behind him. He puts his hands up, trying to cover his face. 

"N-No its nothing like that..." 

The boy trails off, looking anywhere but Katsuki. The blonde watches him carefully, his milky red eyes staring into his soul. 

"I just... Want to be your friend." 

Katsuki stares at the boy, eyes wide and mouth closed shut. His heart beat quickens when izuku looks at him, green eyes so bright and warm, a small smile playing on his lips. He turns away, rushing from the boy. 

"H-Hold on! Wait!" 

Katsuki is faster than the other, already gone. 

The blonde knows his face is straining into a malicious grin. 


Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin