8 - Sweet pt. 2

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He takes a look at him, panting.

The boy is bloody, vomit all over one side of his face and in his hair, purple and black bruises almost all over the skin Katsuki can see. The boy is breathing heavily, his chest slowly going up and down, and it sounds painful.

And it's about to get a whole lot worse.

"I'm going to fucking teach you a lesson freak."

Katsuki, uncaring, picks up the boy and carries him all the way to the park to the woods. Luckily, there is no one outside, Katsuki using the backroads. There is the sound of bugs and birds once he gets into the trees, the sun coming in through the tree leaves.

Once he gets this over with, he can spend the rest of the night cuddling with Izuku.

That thought fuels him for the long task ahead.

The boy is still alive when he drops him next to the rushing water of the river. Back when Izuku and him were kids, the water was calm, and he was lucky he landed at that time and not when it was rushing. But this kid won't have the same luck.


The boys voice comes out small and wheezing, like it takes all of his strength to say just one word... It takes even more of the boy's strength to try and crawl away from Katsuki. He watches the boy struggle for a little longer before getting annoyed and stomping on his back. The boy wheezes, groaning in pain.

"Where the hell do you think you're going? You're going to fucking pay for following Izuku. What made you think you could get away from this with no fucking punishment hah?"

Katsuki grabs his leg and pulls, making the boy drag against the hard ground. The blonde picks up the guy bridal style.

"Have a safe trip freak."

He swings the boy for a second before releasing. The other screams but its cut short when he hits the rushing water with a loud splash. Katsuki watches as he struggles, drowning while still trying to stay alive. He sees the boy hit his head on a boulder with a sickening thud and watches as the water takes him away.

Its dark now, with all the work and time it took to walk his ass all the way into the woods, the fucker should be grateful Katsuki didn't cut him up.

Crickets chirp and the cold night air blows past him, and he holds his uniform closer to his body. This will all be worth it when he sees Izuku.

After forever, he finally gets to his nerd's house. Despite his legs hurting and sore as hell, he climbs up the tree that leans toward Izuku's window. Climbing it is always a nuisance, the bark digs into his palms and through his pants so he can even feel it making marks on his legs.

He reaches his hand out and softly taps at the glass.

He waits for a couple of seconds, hearing small steps and thumps as Izuku makes his way to the window. Katsuki watches it open to reveal his Izuku, half asleep and smiling. The freckled boy rubs one of his eyes, yawning.

"Hi kacchan, come in."

Izuku reaches out his hand and Katsuki takes it, the other helping the blonde get inside of the room safely. Once Katsuki lands softly on the floor, his arms are already holding Izuku close, kissing his neck and shoulder.

Izuku laughs quietly and tangles his fingers in Katsuki's hair, massaging it slightly. He goes for his lips, trying to pull him even closer as Izuku wraps his arms around his neck.

Sweet nitroglycerin fills his senses, and he lets himself relax against Izuku. He worked hard today so he deserves this.

He wants to be able to taste this for the rest of his life. 

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