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Hadley spent a restless night. Maybe it was the coffee. Maybe it was the fact that Onus decided to ignore her threats and fumings and make her pillow his own.

Well, more like the top of her head his pillow.

She'd tossed the cat down off the bed at least a hundred times. There was no use closing the door. Onus only sat outside it and meowed like he'd lost his best friend.

He had, Hadley guessed.

Her warm pillow.

Or maybe, it those two disturbing essays.

She bolted up in bed that morning. Something had congealed in her mind overnight. Something in her subconscious that had finally nibbled a hole and skittered into her conscious brain. She had to check it out. It was the reason she was tooling down Main Street so early.

Good thing Beanie was an early bird. Even luckier that he was off today.

She had a pal to take a road trip with. They headed farther back into the backcountry. Maybe she should think about getting a four-wheel-drive something, she brooded. Nah, she thought. Then, she'd have to buy a cowboy hat and a camo jumpsuit. Maybe some camo cowboy boots with big silver spurs. A big belt with a five-pound brass buckle with 4x4 on it.

On second thought, ditch that. That cinched waist was sure to be a thigh exploder. Not to mention the fact that if she went that far to adopt the off-road look, she might as well start chewing tobacco, too. Somehow a big old wad of dark black-brown goo the size of a baseball in her cheek made her feel like gagging.

"We're almost here, Hadley," Beanie said, breaking Hadley's reverie.

"We sure are," said Hadley.

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