Chapter 4: The attack of the OOO's

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We see the a huge city called Axel and that is where Y/n and his greeed are living at as they move to a small barn outside the walls of Axel as we see the Greeed's looking around the barn as they will be currently living here as Kazari opens a gate to be met with a cow eating some hey while looking back at Kazari for a moment as the two of them stared at each other.

Cow: Moo.

Kazari just slowly closes the gate and let's out a sigh to himself while he turn to the rest and said.

Kazari: This is stupid. Why do we have to live in a stupid barn! I rather live in the castle!

Ankh: We need to be together otherwise the Yummy's won't try to kidnapped any one of us.

Kazari: Well it would be a lot more better if we live somewhere that isn't a animals house.

Gamel: Oh come on Kazari, it isn't soo bad! There is some animals are can eat.

A few cows stop eating hey and even one of them fell unconscious while a few place their hand onto their face while Y/n spoke out to the rest.

Y/n: (smile) Well it's not like we're not living here forever. As soon we take on some jobs, we can earn some money and but a bigger place.

Ankh: Well it's a good thing we got ourselves signed up as guild members, even though the other members were looking at us. Which I can't blame them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey they will get use to you guys for sure. Speaking of which, we should head there right now and see we can pick out a job.

Ankh: Right. Let's go.

The two walked off and leaving the rest of the Greeed to get comfortable in the barn and hope it won't be cold once night comes.



They arrived at the guild and we see Y/n looking at the job request board and searching for a job while we see Ankh eating some delicious ice cone as the female waitress were stunned of seeing him putting the ice cone through his hand and pulling it out only to be a stick.

???: (smile) Hello, any luck of finding a job there?

He turn to be met with Luna who is the guild staff member of the guild to which Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smile) Nothing yet but I'll find a job soon.

Luna: (smile) Well i hope you'll find a job that you like. I gonna say we were all surprised when you and your friends came into the guild. Especially seeing your friends.

Y/n: (nervous smile) Yeah I guess it's not common to have monsters joining a guild huh?

Luna: (smile) But I'm completely fine with it. As long they get along with everyone then there are no problems.

Y/n: (smile) Right. Don't you worry they will be in their best behaviour.

Ankh: Y/N HELL ME!!!!!

He turn to see a blonde hair knight shaking Ankh while acting completely crazy as she tells him.

???: Your a monster right?! I wanna see what strong powers you may have against me! I'm tough enough to take it!


She then moan like she enjoyed the insult which creeper Ankh out and when Y/n rushed up to him he hide behind him, peaking his head over to his shoulder.

Kamen rider ooo x Konosuba: The wonderful world for the King of the Desires حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن