My Dearest Partner

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_Aloha Pov_

Last night was so much fun!
My heart is still racing along with my mind. I can't believe Army and I actually danced with each other.
We were so close..
I smile softly while stroking my fingers along my hand. It felt magical. He looked just as happy as me and we even managed to hold hands for a short while before being rudely pushed apart... I don't know how much longer I can hold my feelings in. But I need too. Otherwise our friendship could be ruined.. Sighing out a settle knock is heard seconds later at my door.

That's probably Army.

Remember. We're friends. Friends. Just friends. I walk over and open the door to see his charming face.
"Morning. I brought you something to eat before we head off." He spoke while handing me a breakfast sandwich.
"Thank you." I accept as I let him into the room. He stops briefly and as I was about to take a bite of my meal I felt his hand against my face. He forces me to look at him and immediately I blush.

"Whhaaat..are you doing?" Muttering as I try avoiding eye contact.
"You look tired." He steps away and crosses his arms. Oh cod. He always seems to notice my exhaustion.
"Army it's nothing. Inspiration hit me during the night and I just stayed up to doodle down some designs. No big deal." I shrug my shoulders and walks past him to sit at my small table where I sat for most of the night.
"We've been through this." His tone changed slightly as if he's frustrated with me. Sometimes I hate it when he gets like this. "Army, I just did it this one time. Okay? It's fine if I blow off sleep for one night." Shuffling my body away from him is what I can think about doing. Right now, I don't want to see how disappointed he is..
"I just don't want you to over work yourself." Such a soft sweet voice.
"I've been doing much better though. It was just this time. Really.." I sorrowfully mutter. He lets out a sigh then picks some of my papers from off the table. A short pause then I hear him hum in delight. "Sorry if I'm being overbearing when it comes to this. It's're important too me and I don't want you working yourself tired."

I know his heart is in the right place..but he needs to realize that I'm not like how I use to be anymore.
I'm so much better since he's came into my life; and keeping me in check. Cod this guy. I smile and turn my body his direction. "Right. Just trust me okay?"

"I do!"

"Then trust me that I know my own limits. I'm not like before. Remember?" By instinct my hand went up to caress his face. From my touch, he embraced it. "Sorry." He apologizes and takes my hand in his only to look down at it and carefully skim his fingers over my skin. The action makes me blush so I pull away then cough to clear the tension.

"It's fine.. Now help me finish this sandwich." I break it in half and hand a piece over to Army who was about to accept but we were interrupted.
"Hey. Hey. Hey! You two ready!?" Gloves springs into the room with Eging by his side with a similar excited smile. "Of course." Army sets his sandwich down on the table and gets up to the join the two. I quickly finish my half then throw my shoes on but stop once I see Army beginning to leave. "Wait. Aren't you going to eat?" I ask while holding up his piece. He shakes his head, "No. No. I'm alright. Let's get moving." He disappeared out the door and leaves me to wonder if he already ate something.


A few people have joined the hike and those who prefer comfort over the wilderness obviously stayed behind.
Emperor of course made it clear that he'd never participate in something like what we're doing.
The group has made excellent progress and have a wonderful time enjoying the views. Prince and N-pacer bunch up together and take a few photos of Laceless and Eging goofing off. Gloves and Goggles obviously do something reckless but have fun regardless.
I couldn't help but laugh at how happy everyone seemed. When I get a better look I realize Army is off looking somewhere else. I approach and attend his side when I finally see what he's taking in. Beautiful trees as far as you can see; the sky was a soothing blue and clouds bunched together forming the most odd shapes.

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