Seeing You Once More

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Army's POV:

It's been years since I've last seen this city. I wonder how much has changed. If my friends are still the same, In all honesty they likely have changed.
Hell I sure did.
I've kept in touch with only a few people I know, Skull out of the S4 I've kept contact with. Mask only on rare occasions, and Aloha...

I haven't heard much about him.
I did talk to Skull about him but he also doesn't know.
I wonder if he's moved away from the city and into a more quieter life.
From what I recall, that's something he's wanted. A peaceful life.

There's a regret, I should have reached out to more of my friends, but things can't always stay the same. I hope he's doing well however..I didn't get the chance to see him before I left...
so I feel guilty.

After a long two hours of riding on this train, I have finally arrived at my stop. The doors slide open and I eagerly step on out to be greeted by the beaming sun and many squids and Octos going about their regular day.

It's as crowded as I remember.

It will take some adjustments for me, but I'm over all glad to be here.
I look down at my phone and read a message from one of my friends and follow the directions she has sent me.
It'll be great to see them again.

Taking a short cut in a city I barely recall probably wasn't the best move on my part. It doesn't help that I'm also wearing something of a certain clothing while their fashion consist of various colors and layers.

They're aware that I do not know what I'm doing. I can feel their eyes on me; so with the needs to take shelter I hurry along until I finally see my destination and rush inside taking a breather and moment of silence.

I definitely lost my touch with this place. It hasn't been that long. How could have things changed so quickly?

I lean up against the door for a minute longer until I hear someone chuckle.
Opening one of my eyes I then see a grand surprise, "Forge!"

"Hi Army!" She beams happily and pounced into my arms to which I caught and hugged her as tight as I could. Cod I've missed her.
"Has Splatsvile made its welcome?" She mocks knowing how this city is.
"It' the first time I moved here."
I see her smile and lead me to a free table where we would sit and talk for a few more minutes until I'm greeted by my other two close friends.

"Blue! White!" I reach over and hug them desperately. They do the same and it felt great just to be with them.
"You grew taller!" White mentions while examining my change of height.
Yeah I have grown a few more inches taller, but it's not just me, so have they.

Blue definitely has more height to him as does White and Forge.

"Thank you." I reply and we all eventually leave our spot to go walk around the city for a bit. I make sure to ask everything about them and what they've been doing these past few years.
Blue & White apparently run a small food place together while Forge is beginning to study psychology.

"Well what of you Army? You've traveled everywhere, what did you see." Blue questions as he eagerly waits for the answer. In reality what I've been doing consists of time and focus so in my travel I didn't get the chance to sight-see all that often. I'm a chef and have been growing my skills these past few years; and finally I decided it would be best to settle down for a while before getting back in the field.

"Nothing much. I've been pretty busy."

"Yeah, you do look relatively tired. You didn't have those eye bags before." Forge points out. "It's not like I asked for them." I groaned then see a vending machine further away. During my travel, I've become quite addicted to caffeine, it kept me awake but at this moment I'm not exactly tired, I just want it.

"Hey I'm going to grab a drink. You guys want something?" I offer but each one declines so I just walk off to get my drink. In that moment, I guess I should've paid more attention to my surrounds, but I was more focused on that machine; and for that reason someone ran into my side.

It caused me to react.
I turn around and felt this weight against my side then slip down except I catch whatever it was and held it up but once I see who it was my body went numb. All I focused on were their set of pink eyes... "Did you hurt yourself?"

I managed to say as I carefully help them to their feet. "Army..." Standing before me is someone I thought I'd never encounter again, Aloha.
"Yeah." I muttered to confirm then stepped away before it got awkward.

"How have you been?" I ask him this because I don't know what else to say.
It's been forever so what else do I do.
As I take a closer inspection,
Aloha has grown his hair out and wears larger clothes then what I remember. He's thinner and we are roughly the same height. That's good, at least he could stop teasing me about my height.

"You're back." His eyes scanned me which made me uncomfortable. Honestly, this is just awkward.
Not saying goodbye to him must have left a bad stain on our 'relationship'
he must think I didn't care about him, but I do...

It was only then my teammates rush up from behind once they saw what had happen. I see Aloha back away as they approached which confused me since he's a people person, right?

Or has that change?


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