Let Us Meet Once More

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Aloha Pov:

How stupid could I have been?

Not only do you live with the guy but you thought it'd be a good idea to try and kiss him and then what? Move on like nothing happened? Maybe even, date him!?
What a joke. Here I thought we could do this living situation without any issues but so far I can't help but to feel things for him. Sure they were already there, I just wanted to avoid them..so much for that.

It's been a few days since that incident and oh my cod it's been eating me alive! He was so close..I was in reach and could have kissed him. Except, if I did...I feel like I'd get rejected. He's probably not into me the same way as I am. Would have been nice though.

Army must be running late. As I stare at the clock I notice he's behind schedule. It's that day where he'd help me with my deliveries. Might as well start packaging the remaining ones I have. Hopefully he comes in time or I'll have to do this myself...

I hope you hurry back Army.


"I'm so stupid Forge! Do you know how awkward it's been since then." Army exclaimed and raised his hands in the air frustrated that he can't seem to stop thinking about the incident. "I don't understand..it's like he's taken over my mind..I can't seem to get him out of my head." Army groans and slouched on the couch. "Oh Army you're in love." Forge nonchalantly stated.

"...But I can't be..."

"How come? You're staying right? there's nothing stopping you two from dating."

"I know there isn't but it just seems awkward. I mean we live together. If things don't work out then I'll have to leave and...things can go wrong."

"Excuses, excuses. Admit it, Aloha is just that perfect missing piece you need. Speaking of Aloha, didn't you mention a while ago that you're helping him with something?" Army shot up from his seat. "Thank you Forge. I need to leave." Army scatters across the living room and heads for the front door. "Army?" The lad stopped to turn her direction. "If there's..an opportunity by chance." She briefly paused then looks his way with a cocky grin. "Take it and embrace it."

Army doesn't have the words and leaves. "Take it and embrace it. The hell does she mean." He rushes back home. Half an hour rolls by when he finally enters the house and heads for the back to see Aloha already piling up the vehicle. "Hey! Sorry I wasn't here sooner." Army jogged over to greet his roommate. Aloha grunts as he shoves the last item in the back.

"You're good. So you wanna clean yourself up or you just wanna go?"

"Let's just head out. I'll be fine."

"You sure? You kinda stink." Aloha jokes while waving his hand as to clear away the 'stench'. "What?! Do I really?" Army lifts his shirt to his nose and sniffs. "I'm messing with you. You're good. Let's go already!" Aloha shoves Army ahead as he continues to sniff himself; wanting to make sure he doesn't actually stink.

The two make there way out of town and blast the music up. Aloha of course loudly sings the lyrics while Army just hums along and listens to his roommate. Moments later they arrive and get busy with their deliveries.
Back at the shack they decide to help there again but while doing so Army takes a moment to examine the ocean.
"You know..this place is starting to grow on me." Spoke Army as he looks out onto the water. "It's beautiful. You know I wanted to move here a few years ago." Aloha spoke as he sets the boards down. "Why didn't you? Seems like your place. It's quiet, relaxing, has all the little things you need." Army comments while also placing his stack down. "Well..." Aloha chuckles nervously. "Promise not to freak out?"

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