In This Together

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Everyone finally settled down and went to bed. The halls were empty and rooms were full. However, two squids felt alone and understood why. They wanted the other one with them. Tossing and turning all night long; morning eventually came and for once Army and Aloha woke up without having breakfast together. An odd change of scenery that brought an unpleasant feeling.

Army was up and out of bed by now and heads out of the building and into the main one where he meets everyone there that will be attending the wedding. They all came early to get better adjusting to the place they'll be staying at for two weeks, and so far Army's liking the place. It's beautiful and in such a gorgeous location.

"I'd figure you'd be here sooner." Mask comments as Army approaches Skull and him. "Slept in." Army states as the other two just stare at him in confusion. "Anyway...Rider's going around making sure everyone brought a suit for the ceremony. You have one right?" Skull asked as he checks his phone for something. "Yea I do." Proudly Army spoke. "And Aloha?"

That's something the orange commander does not know. He hardly recalls Aloha even packing clothes.
"I'm not sure." Army mumbled as he tries remembering. "Well you better go and see." The three squids turn their heads toward the voice.
"Emperor? Haven't seen you for a while. Never guess you'd even attend." Army claims as he straightens himself up. "Of course I would attend. Now I would see if Aloha has a suit because Rider is going around and we're suppose to take before photos, or something." Mask and Skull quietly groan at the thought of taking pictures.

"Right. I'll be back then." Army acknowledged Emperor before leaving again; then the lad briskly made his way back over to the building he came from and enters, scattering over the doors and trying to find where Aloha chose to sleep. He knocked on each one but there was no answer or noise. All that was left is the one room across from his. He stood at the door and gently knocked. No noise, not even a shuffle; so he figured he'd walk in.
"Aloha. I'm com-AUggh!!" The door swung open before Army even finished his sentence. Aloha grabs his shirt and dragged him into the room then closed the door. "Cod!" Army groaned as he fell on the ground once he lost balance.

Aloha leaned against the door with a panic expression. Army immediately stood up and went to question his friend. "Aloha? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" Army laid his hands on the lads forearms. Aloha shakes his head and muttered, "I'm so dead."
Army paused before thinking why his friend would say this then,
"You didn't pack a suit..did you?" Declared Army as he backed away with a neutral expression.

"I figured there would be something here but there isn't. Rider's going to end me." Army knew this were true and felt bad. Their wasn't much time before their photos had to be taken so it's best not to waste anymore time.
"Alright. Get dressed and quickly. You and I will run into town and buy a suit." Aloha widens his eyes and chuckles as if there was no way.
"No. Not possible. I heard from Goggles they'll be taking photos around noon. Army it's eight thirty-two. It takes forever to get down this mountain." Army grabs some clothes and tosses them towards Aloha.

"Then get dressed instead of talking. Hurry up!" Army yelled and stepped out to let Aloha clean himself up. The pink lad looks down at the clothes then slowly grins reassuring. After some time the two squid eventually went running down the mountain to the aerial tram and step on, making it just in time. They gasp and lean against each other feeling like they're about to pass out. Army clears his throat and steadied Aloha up. "Do you have an idea on where we should go?" Asked the pink cephalopod who staggered over to the window.

"Emperor mentioned that there's a shop we could look at. There may not be suits but maybe we could find nice clothing." Aloha perks his attention at the bringing of the kings name.

"Emperor is attending?" Questioned the lad as he finally settles down.
"I was surprised too. I wonder who else is coming." Army pondered to himself till Aloha mentions, "Well, they did say everyone they know." Army thought about everyone they've encountered and befriended along the way.
As Aloha sat there looking at Army, he couldn't help but feel bad for mingling his roommate into his situation.

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