I don't know if that helped. I can tell he's so embarrassed and getting mad, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Fuck off," he utters low enough that I can't hear it, but I can see his lips form the words.

"Excuse me?" 

"Sorry. Lauren, I didn't mean that."

"You know what—" I don't finish my thought. That's it. I'm done.

I spin around and walk out of the club and onto the street, then immediately realize Bryce drove me downtown. Shoot. I take out my phone and try to call a cab three times, but the line is busy. It's prime time on Saturday night.

I'm nervous Bryce will come after me and try to change my mind and make me stay, but so far, he hasn't. I feel awkward about leading him on. I did give him quite a few green lights tonight. 

I try to call a cab again and walk halfway down the block. I look over my shoulder to check for Bryce. The club door opens, and I hold my breath, but instead, out walks Logan, looking wasted. He lights a cigarette, making eye contact with me. Crap!

I can't wait here with Logan around, so I head east down the street. I rationalize I can start walking to my mom's house, and I'll try to catch a cab on the way—a fifteen-minute walk in heels tops. I wrap my arms around myself, listening to the endless ring of the cab company's phone line.

Finally giving up, I end the call. I'm listening to my heels clicking on the sidewalk, and I start to get the weird tingling sensation someone is following me. I try to calm my hopeful case of paranoia and glance back just to be safe. My blood pressure skyrockets, and a sick panic floods my body as I see Logan's glassy eyes meet mine a half-a-block back.

Fuck! I start walking faster, which is nearly impossible in these boots. My heart is hammering in my chest with adrenaline. I'm calculating how much further to my mom's house.

Five more minutes to the park and then... oh fuck, the park.

The park is how I need to get to my mom's, but that is definitely not where I need to go with a guy like Logan tailing me. If I don't go into the park, the road turns across the train tracks into the industrial zone. I start to lose brain function as my pulse throbs in my throat. Do I call 911? My fingers fumble in my bag for my phone.

I unlock it. Who can I call?

My mom's asleep by now and sleeps with earplugs. My dad is too far away, as are all of my friends. I cross the street and turn the corner. I hope this is just a coincidence, and he's going somewhere else. But when I check over my shoulder a minute later, he's still there. He sees how freaked out I am, and he smiles. My finger flicks through my contacts, shaking like a leaf. 

Gio. Gio's the only one who's close by. I hit call.

Please pick up. Please, please, please pick up!

"Why are you calling me?" his voice comes through hard on the line. 

"Gio! I need you." My voice is trembling in my throat.

"Ren, what's wrong?"

"I'm walking home to my mom's, and that guy from the club is following me. Can you come? Right now?" I ask breathlessly.

"Where are you?" he says, urgency now evident in his voice.

"On B Street, I'm almost at the park."

"Ren, don't go in there. Just stay on the main road. Okay, baby? I'll be there."

"Hurry!" I say, but he's already hung up.

B street is the main road but is lined with just small commercial businesses, and they are all closed. It's 11:30 pm, and a car has hardly passed. The entrance to the park is just ahead, and then the road turns and crosses the train tracks behind B Street. I slow my pace as I reach the park's entrance. I hear Logan catching up.

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