hunter's letter

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Luz and Hunter strolled slowly down the path to the owl house. The group had all got together that morning and just hung out like old times.

They'd decided to call it a day around 6pm, and Hunter offered to walk Luz home. It was silent for the most part, only the sound of Luz kicking rocks as she walked could be heard.

"Do you ever think about it?" Hunter randomly spoke. "I mean, the fact that you, a typical human, one day found the portal to the Boiling Isles, and now it's like, a huge part of your life?"

Luz glanced up at him, the golden-hour sun dusting over his face. She studied his face, but returned her focus on the ground.

"I.. have. I mean, it's not something that lives in my mind, but it's definitely crossed me before. I'd like to think that everything happens for a reason, even if it doesn't always make sense, but the universe knows what she's doing," The Latina replied, shoving her hands in her pockets. "Why me, though? Why did she chose me to walk into those woods last summer? It could've been anyone, but I'm glad that it was me, if I'm being honest. I don't think there's a better place for me anywhere,"

Hunter watched her as she spoke. Silence fell over the two again once she finished.

"I'm glad she chose you too," He spoke, just loud enough for her to hear.

She looked up to meet his eyes, giving him a soft smile.

"Amity.." He began, debating if he wanted finish or not. "She wanted me to watch out for you. The letter that she wrote, she told me that she knew how you were handling this. I just.. Luz, you mean so much to me. Growing up in the Emperor's Coven, I never had a family, you know. Growing up as a.. grimwalker.. I've never had anyone. You're the closest thing to a sister I'll ever have, and I want you to know I'll always be here for you. Please reach out ot me if you ever need to,"

He stopped talking and looked down at the girl. Her mouth was slightly agape, and her eyes sparkled with tears.

"Also she had that fucking shirt that I lost like 8 months ago,"

Luz immediately burst into laugher, tears streaming down her face. Hunter joined along, both of them sharing a weird combination of cry-laughing the rest of the way to Luz's house.

Their commotion hushed as they reached the front door. Luz wiped her nose with her wrist, and turned to look up at Hunter. He was already looking at her with a stupid grin on his face.

Luz pulled the boy into a hug, and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her back.

"Text me when you get home," She smiled, opening the door and walking in.

He smiled at the closed door, but as he turned to walk home, he immediately broke back into sobs.

On the other side of the door, Luz had as well.

She walked to her bedroom door, tears blurring her vision. As she reached the closed door, she wrapped her hand around the handle, then softly pressed her forehead against the wood. She sighed and turned the knob, walking to her bed and picking up the diary.

August 25th

I feel the same. No better, no worse.

Since I've been eating more, my nurses say that I should be able to get my feeding tube removed in the next week or so. Stoked, this thing tickles my throat.

They still don't know what's happening or why I'm suddenly feeling better. I've gotten tons of messages from random people at school, telling me they're glad I feel better and whatnot. I don't even open them.

Gus text me this morning. We don't text much, we usually just send each other 8-ball or something when we're bored. I beat his ass every time, obviously.

Anyway, He asked the normal 'how are you' whatever. He asked if he could stop by this evening, and of course I said yes. It's 2PM now, he said he should be here around 5.

I wonder what he's up to. He is so tiny and squishy I could literally eat him with a spoon. I will finish this page whenever he drops by.


AHHG! I squished his cheeks while he was here btw. Buutttt he brought this fat book of pictures of us throughout the past year and I have sobbed for an hour he is so sweet.

I took a few of my favorites (a picture willow took of us at grom, one Hunter took of me and Willow having a pillow fight, and a picture Bump took at school of all of us, Gus is laying on the ground in front of the four of us lol) and pinned them to the wall across from me so I can look at them whenever.

Now I feel the need to explain like every one of these. I'll try.

There's one of me on Luz's shoulders, and Gus on Hunter's shoulders at the beach, and we're chicken fighting hehe. That's a game Luz taught us where the two people on the top have to try to push the other off. Gus won that day, but it's probably just because he had Hunter -_-

There's one Camila took of all five of us in her kitchen in the middle of the night, rummaging through the fridge. That night she'd snuck up behind us and scared the ever living shit out of us HAHA. We were hungry!

I'm running out of room and my hand hurts, so I'm only gonna explain this last one.

It's a pic of everyone around my hospital bed. Everyone is doing dramatic crying faces while I crossed my arms and pretended to be dead. Insensitive to some, but I think it's hilarious as fuck.

We took that picture I think the first month I was in here. It's the most recent one we have together. We probably need to take more just in case.

Sincerely, Amity


rare a/n

a lot of my luz and hunter chapters seem like lunter BUT ITS NOT I HATE LUNTER i dont interact w my sibings so idk how to make siblings be idk

they r brothers

sincerely, amityWhere stories live. Discover now