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Luz walked back through the portal door, immediately being greeted by Eda and King.

"Hi! Oh I missed you guys!" She squealed, burying herself in Eda's arms.

"We missed you too, kid," Eda said, ruffling the Latina's hair.

Luz pulled away, swatting Eda's hand and laughing.

"King, guess what I got you~" She sang, reaching into her bag, and pulling out the cardboard crown.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately snatched it from her hands.

"Yes! My powers! Bow before me!" He announced, pointing at the two.

"You might've made a mistake," Eda whispered, turning to walk into the kitchen.

Luz smiled, happy to be home. She gripped the strap of her bag, walking toward her room. She noticed it had definitely been cleaned and smiled at Eda's attempts of affection. She placed her stuff down and pulled her phone out of her pocket, seeing that it was barely passed 12PM.

Luz spent the next hour putting up her stuff from the human realm, finishing, and flopping down on her bed. She sighed, almost ready to go back to sleep.

'Since I'm back, I'd might as well text Amity,' She thought.

She reached for her phone, and then just for a second, there was a splitting pain of remembrance in her heart. She slowly pulled her hand back to her stomach.

She looked over at her nightstand, where the diary was sitting. She could practically feel her heart rip in half. Her lip quivered, and she didn't even try to stop the tears. She rolled over onto her stomach and sobbed. She sobbed until she couldn't breathe, and her eyes were so swollen she could hardly see to walk to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cold water, and softly leaned back against the wall, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She let out a shaky breath before opening the door and walking back to her room.

August 22nd

She read.

Okay, so, I have been feeling so much better. I wonder why. I mean, I went down fast. I thought I'd be dead by now.

I did throw up my dinner last night, but I mean.. still. I have most of my strength back, I'm eating more, I'm sleeping normally, It's weird. I've said this before, but no one has ever came back from this disease.

Maybe mom really did use the fundraiser money Em was talking about for me. Maybe there is a cure, and they just haven't told me.

It's silly, because it's very unlikely, but sometimes I start to think that maybe there is hope for me. Maybe I will get out of this hospital bed.

School's started back already. I'll be a sophomore this year, if I get better enough to go back to school. The hospital has small classes, almost like home school, but they're optional. I took them whenever I was first admitted, but once I started to realize there wasn't any hope for me, I quit.

Maybe I'll start going again. I mean, I don't wanna be behind whenever I go back to Hexside. I haven't even practiced magic in months now that I think about it. Maybe I'll try that later.

Remember when I said maybe was just a thought? Well, I still think that, but it's crazy how much actually revolves around that word. I remember thinking, "maybe I'll get better", and I did. Now I think, "maybe I'll get outta here", let's hope that comes true.

'Hope' is another word like 'maybe'. I guess they are kind of on the same track. Maybe I'll get out of here, I hope I get out of here. Maybe I hope too much. Hopefully, I don't.

I feel kind of embarrassed in a way. I was sooo confident I was gonna die, but look at me now!

I wonder how everyone else thinks. Do they think I'll get better? Are they happy? What about the people who text me on penstagram 2 months ago, claiming they were 'praying for me'? Do they know I'm feeling better? Do they care?

So many questions, not enough answers.

Sincerely, Amity

Luz laid the book down in front of her. She looked around her room, deeply inhaling the scent of the owl house. She softly pushed herself off of her bed, slipped on her Vans, and headed out the front door.

She walked down the path to the graveyard. Her hands were in her pockets, and her gaze never left the ground.

Entering the gates, the brunette glanced up, looking around at all of the headstones basking in the midday sun. She strolled over to her usual destination, and sat down.

She didn't speak. She just stared. She watched as the world in front of her went up in flames, and danced it's way into her chest.

Why did Luz still hurt this bad? It had almost been two months since Amity died. She should be over it by now.

But she wasn't. She still sat in front of that grave and sobbed like she was screaming for a doctor all over again. She pulled at her hair as if she'd received that funeral invitation once again. She choked on her own voice.

Luz found herself laying on top of the grave marker that evening. Her phone in her hands, scrolling through pictures and videos of Amity, wishing so badly she could just add one more to the collection. Her body shivered in the cold, but she didn't care. She was with Amity.

She looked up at the sky, seeing the oranges were slowly fading to purple, and realized it was probably time she left. After all, she was hanging out with the group tomorrow. She placed her phone down, and ran her fingers along the grave marker, wanting nothing more but to feel the warmth of Amity's skin on them.

But she knew that wasn't ever going to happen again.

She brought herself to her feet, and started her trip home. Her mind replayed memories of the lavenderette as she walked. She was so deep in thought, she almost didn't even realize she had reached the front door until Hooty greeted her. She smiled at the demon, and pushed the door open, slugging back off to her room.

sincerely, amityDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora