letter 2

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Luz woke up the next morning and immediately got dressed. She'd made plans with everyone to meet up for coffee around 12, but she had to make it to Boscha's first.

She grabbed the note and her jacket, slipping out the door. Walking to Boscha's was hard. They were never friends, in fact, they basically hated each other. She only knew where she lived because of the time her, Gus, and Willow saw her walking to Amity's for the moonlight conjuring.

She slowly walked up her driveway, knocking softly on the door. She stood on the porch for a few seconds, wondering if she should knock again. As she reached her hand out to knock, she noticed a shadow through the window.

"Luz?" The pink haired girl said in surprise as she opened the door.

"Um, yeah. I.. Amity.. left you this," Luz stammered out, quickly grabbing the note from her back pocket, and holding it out to Boscha.

"Oh. Thanks,"

The two stood in silence for a bit, just kind of staring at each other.

"I'm sorry-" They started at the same time.

"Sorry, you go first," Luz gestured.

"It's alright. I'm sorry about our past. I've never been the friendliest, but Amity was once my best friend. It hurt to lose her, and we were at each other's throats for a year, so I can't imagine what it's like for you. You're a really strong girl, Luz," Boscha spoke.

Luz smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks, Boscha. I know you and Amity were close. Have a good night,"

Just as she turned to leave, Boscha called out to her.

"Luz, here's my number. Maybe we can get together sometime," She showed Luz her contact on her scroll.

Luz took the scroll from Boscha, and inserted the number into her own phone.

"Of course, see you," She smiled, handing Boscha her scroll back.

She walked back down the driveway, and Boscha turned and closed the door. She sat down on the floor and opened the letter, starting to read.

Dear Boscha,

I would be lying if I said I didn't love you. You were one of the biggest parts of my life, and I'm so thankful for that. You opened my eyes to the real world, you pulled me out of my comfort zone, you helped me experience new things. You were my best friend. Sometimes when rotting in this bed gets too boring, I think back to all the time we spent together. Then I have to stop. It haunts me to this day how I treated you. I disregarded our four years of friendship, and immediately went to pointing fingers. In reality, I was the problem. I couldn't handle the fact you had other interests and friends.

But then again, middle school hit like a train. A big, steel, train of reality. We were total opposites, so I guess a bond couldn't have been too fun there. It was hard to make friends after we split. I couldn't find anyone like you.

That's the thing, Boscha, there is no one like you. You're brave, and smart, and you always stand up for what you believe. I'm sure we could be great friends in another life.

I do admit that you hurt me. All I ever wanted was to be like you. I wanted to fearless, funny, pretty, social, but I didn't fit in. You found your people and I found mine. But you left me. You stopped inviting me out, you only wanted to hang out when you wanted something, you spread countless rumors about me, and I want you to know it crushed me. I feared coming to school because I didn't know what you were going to do to me. You humiliated me. You made me want to kill myself.

I didn't write this letter just to blame you, though. I wrote it so you would finally listen to me. I wrote it so I could officially tell you goodbye, because blocking someone does nothing.

So, goodbye Boscha. Thank you for being one of the biggest parts of my life. I love you, but I cant say I forgive you.

Promise me one thing, you will never crush anyone like you crushed Amity Blight. Keep being you. Just remember I'll always be the better grudgby player ;).

Sincerely, Amity

Luz got to the coffee shop and sent a quick text to Boscha.

'hey, it's luz.'

She put her phone back in her pocket as she noticed the group had already made it there, and were sitting at a table in the back corner. She approached the table and greeted everyone, ordering her drink, and sitting down.

The evening was filled with warm laughter and memories. They hadn't talked like this in months, it just never felt right to hang out without Amity.

"Hey, can we make a quick stop before everyone goes home?" Luz asked the group as they got up to leave.

"Yeah, what's up?" Willow asked as Hunter and Gus silently fought over a movie character.

"Nothing, just follow me,"

The four walked in comfortable silence down a forested path, taking in the sunlight. Small talk was occasionally shared, but nothing too important.

From a distance, they could see the cemetery. The conversations stopped. No one said a word, they just all knew.

At their arrival to Amity's grave, everyone took a seat in a circle around it. Still, no one said a word.

"I promised I'd bring you guys by. I come here every evening to talk to her," Luz said, staring at the headstone.

A trance fell over the group, and everyone stayed silent, looking in the same direction. The sound of grasshoppers and the wind in the grass filled their heads.

"We miss you, Amity," Gus spoke up.

Silence filled the group once more. Everyone just sat and stared at the nightmare they knew they couldn't wake up from.

Soft crunching was heard from behind the group, and soon another person filled into the circle.

Everyone looked at the newcomer, being met with a familiar pinkette.

There was something so calming about this time. No one spoke, but not in a way that they were uncomfortable, everyone just knew words weren't needed.

The group sat for what felt like hours. The autumn sky slowly became darker shades of orange, and one by one, everyone began to walk home. Everyone except Luz and Boscha.

"You don't have to tell me what the note said," Luz spoke softly.

Boscha relaxed a bit.

"Who said I was going to?" She joked, acting offended.

Luz smiled softly.

"I better get going. Maybe we can hang out soon," Luz said, standing up.

Boscha followed, nodding. Without hesitation, they both pulled each other into a hug.

"Bye, Luz. Goodnight," Boscha said, squeezing the Latina.

"Goodnight, Boscha,"

The two parted ways, walking home comfortably. A huge weight was lifted off everyone's shoulders that day. Healing wasn't easy to do alone, so they healed together.

sincerely, amityWhere stories live. Discover now