another universe

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Luz zipped her bag shut, threw the strap over her shoulder, and walked over to her bedroom door. She scanned the room, making sure she didnt leave anything. When she was sure, she shut the door, and walked out to the living room.

"Morning, kid. Ready to go?" Eda asked, walking out from behind the kitchen island.

"Yeah," Luz answered.

Eda nodded, grabbing the portal key off of the counter. She clicked it toward the living room, allowing the door to open and reveal the bright swirls of black, yellow, and purple.

"Alright, come here," Eda motioned toward Luz.

The Latina smiled, slugging over to her mentor and wrapping her arms around her.

"King!" The witch yelled, still hugging Luz.

King's feet scrambled down the hall, rushing to the kitchen.

"Take me with you!" He cried, jumping in to join the hug.

The two girls laughed at the titan, breaking the hug.

"I'll be back soon, King. Maybe I can find you a nice new crown while I'm gone," Luz suggested.

His eyes lit up, immediately spitting agreement at the human. He pushed her leg toward the portal. Luz giggled, bending down to give him one last hug.

"Have fun, kid. Not too much fun, come back, please," Eda joked, nudging the human with her elbow.

"Okay, love you guys! See you next week!"

Luz waved, walking into the portal.

"Love you! Text when you get there! Call me every night! Did you pack your toothbrush?"

Eda's voice faded out as images of trees and sounds of birds filled Luz's senses. She walked through, opening her eyes and seeing the familiar old house in front of her. She sighed, closing the door, and beginning her way down the path to her house.

As she walked, she took in the scenery around her. She took deep breaths of the winter air, a pit sitting at the bottom of her stomach. She finally reached the front porch of her house.

For a moment she just stood there, staring at the door. She hadn't been to the human realm in months. What if everything had changed? She pushed the fear down her throat, and raised her fist to knock on the door.

It was almost the second her hand left the door that her mom answered.

"Mija!" She exclaimed, leaning down to engulf her daughter in a hug.

Luz squeezed her mom in the hug, a few tears escaping both girls' eyes.

"Come in, baby. I just started breakfast,"

Meanwhile, Eda sat quietly in the kitchen of The Owl House, apple blood in one hand, and a newspaper in the other. She looked up from the paper at the empty house. She sighed, it hadn't been an hour since Luz had left, but the witch already missed her. Placing the paper down, she walked down the hall to Luz's room.

Eda kind of just lingered at the door frame for a few minutes, breathing in Luz's scent. She strolled into the room, picking up loose objects on the floor and finding a place for them. She walked over to the human's bed, seeing Luz had quickly made it before she left. The witch chuckled at Luz's work, picking up a pillow to fix it, when she distracted by a envelope under it.

Slowly picking it up, she inspected the paper, flipping it over. On the front of the letter, written in ink, it read;

"Hunter," Eda whispered to herself.

She looked around the room one last time, turning around and walking back to the kitchen. She placed the note on the island, walking back and returning to her newspaper.

Luz spent the evening unpacking her bag and spending time with her mom. They made snacks and watched movies, had late night talks, until they eventually decided to call it a night around 11PM.

Luz walked back to her room after telling her mom goodnight. She closed the door, looking around her dark room. Her heart felt heavy as feelings overtook her, her breathing becoming shallow. This was the room she always hid in when her and her mom got into fights, the walls she'd punched until her knuckles bled after her dad passed, the bed she sobbed in after being cornered in the school bathroom. She took a deep breath, walking over to her bedside table, and pulling her phone off it's charger. She immediately scrolled for Eda's contact.

It rang about three times before the witch picked up.

"Hey kiddo! How's your first day back?"

"It's good. We just stayed home tonight, planning on getting up tomorrow and going out," Luz told her, climbing into bed.

"Ooh, sounds fun. Nice to eat good food after a while?" Eda joked.

Luz chucked.

"Oh yes. So much better than Chef Clawthorne," Luz teased back.

Eda snorted on the other end, and a moment of silence passed between them.

"Hey, uh, did you see an envelope lying around the house anywhere?" Luz asked.

"Addressed to Hunter? Yeah,"

"Cool. I meant to take it to him the other day, but I completely forgot to. Could you or King take it to him whenever you can?" Luz pleaded.

"Yeah, of course. It's late though, and I am tired, so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you, night," Eda said.

"Night, love you,"

Luz hung up the phone, placing it back on her bedside table. Right next to it lay the diary.

Her hand hesitated above it, she hadn't read on in a week. She sighed, and grabbed the book, flipping to the last page she read from, the page where she found Hunter's letter.

July 21st

If the multiverse is real, I hope there's another universe where I never got sick.

Being in bed all the time really gives me time to think, example, about alternate universes. Maybe there's another Amity somewhere, one who's at the beach with her friends right now. One who doesn't have to be choked with medication. Maybe there's another Odalia, one who doesn't push away my friends, and lets me study what I want.

Thinking about my mom pisses me off. I hate calling her that, she has been anything but a mother to me. She's so obsessed with status and following Titan, she only uses me to be a better version of herself. Ed and Em have told me about all these fancy fundraisers she's done "for me", but where is the money? Where is the cure to this damn disease?

At least in this universe, she'll be left with nothing once I'm gone. She wont have a puppet to do her work anymore, she'll have no way to keep the Blight name.

Sincerely, Amity


sorry i dont do a/ns but i feel obliged to apologize for how rushed and filling this chapter was lololol

i dont know what to do i had to throw camila and hunter back in here somehow

i dont know anything about losing a partner so this whole story is so inaccurate one moment shes depressed and the next she is happy happy idk idk im sorry HHSHSH

fuck i'm rereading this for the 34247324th time I need to throw gus and willow back in here

can you tell I kin hunter

sincerely, amityWhere stories live. Discover now