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Jacob is 8 years old, he was a little bit taller than most boys his age coming in at 4'4 yet he had a little bit of a secret that he didn't want anyone at his school to know about. He still wet the bed every night of the week for as long as he could remember and he had the occasional accident during the day. That was why his parents insisted that he wear pull-ups as added "protection" during the night. He even had to wear pull-ups to school and his mom would always pack a couple of extra pairs of "underwear" in his backpack. Thankfully the pull-ups were fairly quiet and he always wore boxers over top them so that nobody would see what he was wearing underneath

Valen was 3 years old, he was Jacob's younger brother, he was pretty much an average three year old except one thing, he, much like Jacob, was having a lot of difficulties getting potty trained, so even at 3 years of age he was in diapers 24/7. Not that Valen even seemed remotely interested in potty training, often times just using his diaper whenever he felt the need

There is also of course Jacob and Valen's parents, two determined parents trying to get their youngest son potty trained and hoping that their oldest would eventually grow out of his night time accidents 

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