【 Episode 12 - Reunion 】

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= Recap =

An eerily glowing crystal, which turned out to be harmful upon contact, caught the duo's attention. After finally getting their tracks lost with the Hyperbot, they were faced with another problem as they got trapped in yet another strange place. Despite all the unfamiliar sights, a familiar person appeared.

The trio spent the next ten minutes in silence as they walked along the hallway, looking for any potential exit.

Chase shifted his gaze towards his number tag, which circled his ankle. Usually, it looked bright in its luminescent yellow, but now it had lost its glow — it looked like an ordinary piece of plastic in the shape of a ring.

Scarlett focused on her wrist, where her gadget should've been, a scowl on her face.

"My legs are sore." She sat down. "I was supposed to be sleeping at this time of night!"

"For once, can you stop complaining?" Bianca growled. "Not like you're the only one who's tired."

Chase ignored the fuss and focused on his hearing, extending his senses through the hallway like a radar.

They came to an abrupt stop as a wide gap on the ground stood in front of them. The crack was unusually wide, as if the floor had been split wide open by some strong force.

"If only I still had my gadget on." Scarlett sighed.

"Can't you do something else to help yourself over?" Chase blurted. "Like, use your powers."

"Hey, we don't talk about that." Bianca shot a glare at the griffin.

"Why not?" Chase made a comeback. "Did I say something wrong?"

The leopard gritted her teeth. "Listen, you-"

"It's fine, Bianca," Scarlett approached her friend and patted her shoulder. "I can't keep that between us forever anyways."

Chase eyed the fox, confusion in his gaze.

"I don't have intrinsic powers." Scarlett finally spoke after some hesitation.

"What?" The griffin's eyes widened. "But, how is that even possible? Everyone has them."

"Don't ask me. I guess I'm just born different. Why else do you think I need my gadget to do absolutely everything?"

Bianca stared at Scarlett with slight worry as the fox held in her anxiety.

Chase stayed silent for a few seconds. The atmosphere would suddenly become dense as the usually lively fox suddenly became quiet. "Uhm, sorry for asking."

"It's fine." Scarlett mumbled as she climbed onto Bianca's arms, her voice calmer than ever. Without further conversations, Bianca pushed Scarlett's light body upwards and forward, making her land on the other side of the gap safely.

Chase flicked his tail. He envied the cooperation between the best friends; they knew what to do without even having to talk.

"There's no way I'd jump over that." Bianca said as she inspected the gap, brushing the serious matter away. "Maybe you guys should just go without- Hey!"

Chase grabbed Bianca by her back collar and hovered over the gap, dropping her on the other side. "No need for you to act all heroic."

Bianca lifted herself up, exchanging looks with Scarlett.

A sparkle of hope shone in Chase's eyes as he caught wind of something. "There are other people here," He informed the pair, faith in his voice as he suddenly ran. "Who knows, they might know the way out."

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