【 Episode 10 - Melody 】

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= Recap =

The contestants did all they could to fight to be the winner of the second game. Unexpectedly, the flying duo Chase and Nova ended up as the earliest elimination. As the game went on with only two pairs remaining, Izzie and Ren eventually found a way to win —— Not by force, but by outsmarting.

It was twilight once again. The air was clear, the lake on the floating islands reflecting the shimmering dark blue color of the sky. Bianca was in her room stretching her legs, practicing her flexibility.

A troubled look hung on her features. Scarlett had been ignoring Bianca ever since the end of the second game. Her bad-tempered fox friend always finds a way to hold a grudge. She did a slow cartwheel and stretched, shaking the thought away and feeling fresh.

Suddenly, the speaker on her room wall rang. The leopard turned towards it with brows furrowed, carefully approaching the speaker before answering the call.

"Hey, uh, good evening!" An awkward voice sounded from the speaker. It sounded like Ren.

"What do you want now, WolfRace? Was the amount of mocking me back there not enough?" Bianca exhaled.

"As much as I enjoyed doing that, uh no, that's not the reason why I called you. Tomorrow is the team race, right? Well, Izzie said, and I quote: 'We need a proper plan before we get into action tomorrow.'" He recited, mimicking Izzie's voice. "She asked me to be the messenger and deliver this to everyone. No idea why she isn't doing it herself."

Bianca put her arms on her hips as she raised a brow, her droopy ears flicking, staying silent as she tried to comprehend his words.

"Anyways, to sum it up, Izzie told me to tell you that we'll be having an early gathering tomorrow morning before the contest in the gathering hall." Ren said swiftly.

"So that's what you meant?"

"Uh-huh. 8 o'clock sharp, by the way."

"Yeah yeah, you'd better not call back again at midnight again. I don't want to hear your quirky voice. Not until tomorrow." Bianca eyerolled, still not letting go of what happened in the maze.

"Ouch, you sure do have a mean streak." He said hastily. "Now that you get the main idea, I'll be off to tell the others. See you then, I guess?"

He said as he cut off the call, a soft BZZT sounding from the speaker.

In Izzie's room, the bunny opened her diary and put it on her desk. She twirled her pen around before scribbling on the diary.

"It's been two days since my arrival in Hypercon. Things are going fine, at least I have successfully won the second game." Words appeared under her pen.

"Though I remember having a dream about something... unsettling. I just can't remember what it was about. Strange things kept happening during my time here, giant robots would suddenly attack us for no reason at all." Images of what happened just a day ago rushed through her mind.

"I don't want to admit it but, I think Mr. Davy's daughter Nova definitely has something to do with it. I can tell just by being near her," She suspected. "She has to be involved in some way."

An idea hatched in her mind as she wrote. Or maybe...

She darted towards the exit of her dorm, leaving the diary open on the desk.

The night sky was clear, with a bright moon hanging up high, alongside millions of glimmering stars. The floating islands were still all in their rightful place, with the train track still connecting them.

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