Luigi: "Huh?"

Luigi turns to investigate what that loud UUF came from, only to see the soldiers still chasing him, but minus the Hammer Brothers.

He leans over a little and sees.....a human in a raccoon suit!

Luigi: "Another human! Hey! I need your help! Can you-"

Mario turns as his eyes and Luigi's lock. Luigi then gasps and yells.

Luigi: "BROTHER!"

Luigi instantly turns on his heel and sprints towards the soldiers. He then vaults over a goomba to avoid their grasp and to get to Mario.

Mario's eyes widen as tears begin to well up in them. His friend, his ally, his teammate, his pal, his coworker, his partner in crime, his best friend, his brother.......was safe!

Mario: "BROTHER!"

Mario soars over and catches Luigi mid air as the brothers embrace and both start crying rivers of tears as Mario floats there.

His whole journey, everything he saw and went through, every cut and bruise, scrape and scar were all worth it....for this one moment! He got him back! He got his brother back! He got kidnapped by a dinosaur, was harassed by a pretty lady at said pretty lady's kingdom, fought and destroyed a castle, journeyed across the land, insulted a sentient star, stole a ship, and fought through enemy territory to get it was all worth it.

Now they just have to get home!

Mario floats down as he lets his brother go and the two of them chuckle while wiping the tears from their eyes.

Luigi then backs up and looks down at Mario's suit.

Luigi: "Mario? What in the world are you wearing?"

Mario: "What? It's a tanooki suit! You don't know what these things are?"

Luigi: "No way! it like a.....a uh.....a powerup?"

Mario: "You got it!"

Luigi: "Wow, so power ups can give you, like, costumes too?"

Mario: "Uh-huh! But the costume isn't what's important here!"

Luigi: "It isn't?"

Mario: "No! What is the tail! It gives me the ability to fly!"

Luigi: "What? Mario, that's ridiculous!"

Mario: "No, no, I'm serious, it-HEY! LAY OFF MY BROTHER!"

Mario punches a goomba who was going to bite Luigi as it falls down and struggles to get back up.

Mario and Luigi then look around to see that the Hammer Brothers are getting back up and the others that were still chasing Luigi are currently snarling at them.

Luigi: "Hey u-uh.....bro? Do you have any more of those.....p-p-power ups on ya?"

Mario: "You know it! Take your pick!"

Mario holds out a mushroom, a fire flower, a super leaf, and a ice flower.

Luigi: "Oooo, uh.....I only know about the mushroom one, really..."

Mario: "Oh....then try this! It's pretty similar, but you can also shoot fire balls!"

Mario hands Luigi the fire flower as he stares at it and then turns back.

Luigi: "I have to eat it....right?"

Mario: "Yup! And you better do it fast! We have company!"

Luigi turns and sees the ones on his side approaching. He then eats the fire flower in one gulp and grows taller while his clothes change.

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