He has done so much for me and I..

"So.." he spoke up.
".. I know, he's your first, and I intend to be your last." He nodded genuinely.
"I'll wait for you.... however long it takes."

"What if your wait is never-ending?" I asked genuinely.
"Life is not eternal, Steve. So stop wasting it on me... you should.. you should just move on..." I said with tears forming in the back of my eyes.
"It's better that way."

Please understand me, Steve..

I don't wanna hurt you..

"If that's the case, let's see how it ends." He smiled.
"I understand. It's not easy for you. To fall in love again, but.." his voice cracked as he left my hand and stood up before turning around.

"Steve.." I whispered as I stood up too.

Steve turned around and sniffled with a smile.
"I'm fine..." he paused with a nod.
"I understand and care about your feelings."

"Thank you, Steve." I passed him a small smile before whispering.

"I have one more thing to tell you." I said as seriousness took over me.


"I'm leaving for Hawaii tomorrow." He was taken aback by my words as he blinked in confusion, but suddenly something struck him.

"Is there where your husband lives?" He asked in disbelief.

I nodded reluctantly.
"But I'm not going to meet him... I'm just going there for another purpose." I quickly added.

"Have you informed the chief?" He asked but avoided asking me any of my personal questions

"Yes!" I nodded.

"For how many days?" He asked.

"Only for two days." I said.

He smiled and sat across me.
"Let's have dinner, shall we?"

I nodded with a smile.

I'm grateful to have a friend like Steve, who understands me.


We were in the airport, ready to get ourselves in Hawaii. I smiled at Steve, who was smiling back at me. Steve arrived in the morning to drive Hayden and me to the airport. I refused, but he insisted on giving us a lift.

"Have a safe journey!" He said with a smile and kneeled down in front of Hayden.
"And you too, young man!" Steve tickled his tummy as he giggled.

Then Steve pushed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a rectangular, colorful poppet and a big chocolate bar.
"If you get scared inside the plane, just pop these out and eat the chocolate. You'll feel better." Steve ruffled his hair before passing him the poppet and the chocolate.

Hayden nodded happily and already started popping the poppet.

Steve stood up and faced me.

"It wasn't required.. " I was cut off as Steve held his palm out, stopping me abruptly.

"This was nothing!" He said.
"I want to spoil him with many of these things."

I chuckled in response,
"I'll not let you spoil him."

"Let's see." He grinned.

"I'll miss you." He said as the air thickened in uneasiness as slowly my smile vanished.
"And Hayden, too." He added reluctantly as I passed him a small smile.
"However, it's just a matter of two days." He said, and right then, I got the announcement of my aboarding plane.

"It's time to go." I stated and caught Hayden's hand.

"See you soon." He smiled as I smiled back and nodded.

I hope everything's going to be fine.

Taking a deep sharp breath, I spun around and started walking along with Hayden.

Everything will be fine.

I'll just visit Nadia's grave and come back without any encounters.

It will be fine..


The next chapter is in Harold's pov.

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