I Was Wrong About Henry

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The whole pregnancy scare thing has been weighing on my conscious. I mean, I told Josh, but I never told Henry. Maybe I was overthinking it, but I felt like I should have let him know. I mean, after all, I wasn't even sure who the father would have been.

I called him up and ask if he was free. He told me he would pick me up in twenty minutes.

I immediately grew anxious. I hadn't left enough time to plan how I'd tell him. 

Perhaps telling him on the spot, not calculated, will be easier.


I got into Henry's car and we just had some small talk.

"So, where are we out to today?" he asked me as he stopped at the red light.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," I nervously spoke, fiddling with my fingers.

"Oh, okay," he replied with confusion, "what's up?"

"I haven't gotten my period," I told him, opting to not mention the whole pregnancy scare thing.

Scarlett, you have to tell him.

"Wait? What? Have you taken a pregnancy test?"


"I refuse to be a father at sixteen, Scarlett. I mean, how irresponsible. Maybe this isn't working."

My jaw was dropped as I was too shocked to speak. Why the fuck is he being so rude? I haven't even told him I have taken a test!

"I took a pregnancy test, Henry! It was negative! But you have proved your true colors to me," I spat, crossing my arms as I turned away from him and focused my eyes outside my window.

"I didn't mean it like that-,"

"Oh, please! You're tone was very loud and clear!"

"Sorry I don't want to be a fucking dad at sixteen! Besides, you probably didn't know if it was my baby or Josh's, huh?"

My eyes grew wide.

"Yeah, word travels fast. My boys said they saw you and Josh talking that night. Of course, we didn't know about what, but I figured it couldn't be good. I wasn't going to say anything, but,"

"Take me home."

The second I got out his car, he sped off. The screech marks from his tires beamed throughout the street. 

I ran to my front door with teary eyes. Henry reacted like an asshole. I mean, I defended his personality to basically everybody. I even compared him to Josh. I said he was better.

I couldn't help but wonder if not giving Josh a second chance was a mistake. Maybe it is just my heartbreak speaking, but God...

Nobody has ever cared about me as much as Josh has.

But he cheated on me...

But he loves me... I know it.

I walked inside and slammed the front door shut. 

"Woah, everything alright?" Corey acknowledged me.

"I just ended things with Henry," I quietly explained, brushing past him.

I didn't want to answer any questions as to why. I just wanted to be alone. I had so many thoughts running through my mind.

Josh, especially.

Not to mention, my brothers are going to tell me "I told you so!"

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