Lena: Ever since the teacher is Miss R and I've had enough trouble with her.

Kevin: Oh, Miss R. I have her too, every Wednesday in the first lesson, I'm never later by her lesson. She's so intimidating.

Franziska: Yeah, I'm afraid of her. You shouldn't make her mad.

Lena: Yeah, so I need to go already, have fun, maybe we see us later.

They said their good byes to me and Franziska gave me a hug. I make my way toward the classroom again. I opened the door and walked in.

Miss R: That were 4 minutes and 23 seconds. Why are you late?

Lena: I needed to wash my hands, and then there were no paper to try them so I needed to ask someone for a tissue.

Miss R: I hope, you are not lying, Lena!

Lena: Of course not, Miss!

I sat at my seat again, and because Miss R sit right in front of me, or table connect. She gave me my worksheet back. I looked over it. She wrote down "very good" and a smiley, with her red pen at the bottom of the paper. I gave her a smile, wich she returned.

After the lesson was done, we said our goodbyes and went in the break. During the break, I was alone with Lou. I told her everything that happened yesterday. She said I should try it, with them, because she thinks Miss K and Miss R want to help me. But what shocked me was what she told me.

Lou: I had a day similar to yours yesterday with Miss P and Miss U. They asked me to be their little. I said that it was to early, and then they threatened me that they would tell our secrets if I didn't do it

Lena: Really? They had threatened me with the secret too. They had planned it, the 4 of them.

Lou: Yeah, I think so too. We can't get in so much trouble anymore, it will end bad for us.

Lena: But life is so boring, without a little fun. We can do somethings, when they are not looking. Maybe we need to behave in school, but outside of school, we are free.

Lou smiled at me.

Lou: Look, someone is coming towards us!

Lena: Who is that. I don't know him

POV Fiona (Miss K)

We now had a 25-minute break, the teachers' room was so full, the most time I talked with Sarah and Camila. Angle now had supervision outside so she couldn't be here. After about 5 minutes, we got a message from Angle, she wrote to in our group chat, only we 4 are in this group, that there was a fight and Lena and Lou were involved. The three of us got up and made our way outside. When we were outside, there was a large crowd around Lena, Lou and a some boy. As we got though the crowd, we saw, how Lena slapped the boy in the face.

Sarah went to Lena and tore her from the boy, Camila did the same with Lou

POV Sarah

Sarah: What's wrong with you?

Lena just looked at the floor

Sarah: No! You look at me, when I'm talking to you

She looked me in the eyes, with fear and shyness, than her eyes switched to Fiona

Fiona: Why? Can you ever be left alone without doing something stupid?

She had tears in her eyes

Lena: I'm sorry. I didn't want that to happen.

Sarah: No! No excuses! It happed, and you will now bear the consequences.

Lena: No, I didn't do it on purpose, why am I being punished?

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