A fight?

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POV Lena

My friends kept asking me where i was and why i didn't ride my bike with them. My excuse was that I was being driven by a friend, which satisfied them. We kept talking about other things, while it was getting more and more crowded, more students came and it got louder. After a while, teachers came out of the staff room and made their way to pick up their students. It is actually mandatory for the teachers to pick up their students at a place that has been agreed, but this is often only done for the younger ones. Since we are already in the 10th grade, we are sometimes allowed to walk straight to the room, but only when a teacher allow it. But since we are always late for all lessons, we go straight to the classroom, but today we are on time and since we have Miss. R now, we will get picked up.

We were very focused in our conversation until someone stood at our table and slammed his hand hard on the table, which made us all look in the direction. Miss R stood there.

Miss R: Why are you all still sitting here, the doorbell has already rung, that means you are moving in the direction of the stairs, where we always meet, where I will pick you up. Oh sorry you can't know that, because you're never there on time to experience it. Now move!

We all got up and followed her towards the stairs

Jan whispered: Why is she so mean?

Tony: She could have asked us nicely if we could come with her

We arrived at the stairs, where the rest of the class was already waiting, Miss R walked on to our classroom on the 3rd floor while everyone followed her

Noah: Oh you're on time, what happened?

Lexa: We changed

Noah: Ha, very funny.

We were already in the room and we sit down, the 8 of us in the front row. Noah sat right behind me.

Noah: So Lena, what's going on

Miss R: Quiet! Get your things out and stand there to say good morning.

Everyone does as she said. And with that, the lesson began. In geography we have the topic, development of the climate and climate change. I find it kind of boring but its easy as a topic, so I'm not complaining. During the lesson i tried to talk to my friends as little as possible, because i didn't want any trouble.

Lena: Can I go to the toilet?

Miss R: Now, while you should be working on the paper?

I nodded

Miss R: When you're done with the worksheet!

Lena: I'm already done

Miss R: Okay, give me your paper, I'll take a look. You have 3 minutes, then you're back here

Lena: What, 3 minutes?

Miss R: Your time is already running, 2 minutes and 50 seconds

I quickly run out of the room and down to the restrooms in the break room. I didn't need to go to the restroom, but I always meet with some friends here, while lessons. and when I got there, there were also a couple of 12-graders there

Sven: Lena, do you have time, for some smoking?

I don't smoke often, but sometimes. In this school, a lot of people who aren't really old enough, smoke and most of the time when i go to the "toilet", i smoke with some friends. I haven't smoked since Sunday, actually I'm in the mood for it now, but I don't want any stress with Miss. R

Lena: Unfortunately I can't because I got 3 minutes, then I have to be upstairs again

Lee: Since when do you take it so seriously when teachers say something

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