Chapter 26

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     Akhi stretched out comfortably along the brick footpath of his family's garden, basking in the warm spring sun

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     Akhi stretched out comfortably along the brick footpath of his family's garden, basking in the warm spring sun. New buds lined the branches of the bushes and the vines were once again starting to creep along the wooden slat fence. Ever since Noah's rescue, the Benvenistes were content to let their cat explore outside by himself. In their eyes, Akhi had more than earned the privilege.

    He listened as he heard three robins whistling from a neighbor's yard. Alaric and his family must have spotted lunch. Akhi smiled to himself and rolled his body over towards Halima, who was lounging agreeably next to him.

"You sure you won't reconsider?" he asked.

Halima slowly blinked her eyes open. "I already gave Lupo my answer," her mouth curled into a relaxed smile. "Besides, I've been part of a group for a while now. It's time I found out what it's like being on my own for a little bit."

Akhi nodded and placed his left paw on Halima's back. He clenched his right one privately. It still ached. It felt unnatural to not have claws.

"I could lay here on these warm bricks forever with you," Akhi purred.

"Then you'd miss your party."

"It's a ceremony, not a party," he responded.

"Same thing," Halima said as she reached out a paw onto his belly and began to scratch.

"Hey!" Akhi stood up abruptly, trying to suppress laughter.

Halima grinned and sat up on her haunches.

"Don't you have to get going, anyway?" she asked.

"How do I look?" Akhi held his head up in faux confidence.

Halima furrowed her brow and pursed her lips together before licking one of his ears to suppress a few errant hairs.

"Not too bad."

"I'm nervous," he admitted.

"Just don't forget us little animals," she responded. "You know, when you're out saving the world and all that."

He smiled. The two cats headbumped each other before Akhi proceeded towards the wooden hatch hidden beneath the holly bush. He looked back at her as he opened the door upwards with the paw that still had claws.

"Good luck, housecat," she winked at him from across the garden.

Akhi walked down the familiar tunnel. Just before the grand meeting room, Akhi paused and took a deep breath. Be at peace with the things I cannot change. Focus on the things I can. He exhaled and proceeded into the room.

There were two lines of animals sitting on their haunches, facing each other. Although it was difficult for all twenty of the Philadelphia Gibborim to sneak away midday, most of the phalanx had shown up for the induction ceremony. After all, it was the first cat to be honored with membership since before any of the animals in the room were born.

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