Wu sighs. "We mustn't give up. If Morro finds it first and takes the Realm Crystal, I'd hate to think what would happen next."

Meanwhile, someone steps on a tripline and sets off the bell.

Misako looks towards the door. "The early-detection warning system." She states, looking at the Ninja.

"Intruder!" Kai yells, running outside.

"Let him have it. Pull!" Jay commands loudly.

Everyone catapults water balloons, but it was actually the Postman.

The Postman sighs. "No wonder you're going out of business." He scoffs, drenching wet. He hands Kai a letter and begins leaving.

Jay scoffs. "No, you're the one going out of business. Heh, who sends letters anymore?" He laughs awkwardly.

Kai frowns, looking at the letter. "Guys, he's right. It says he's gonna shut us down unless we drum up some business." He sighs.

Cole looks around before looking back at him. "Well, don't tell Ronin. If this place is worthless, he won't stick around and we need all the help we can get. Come on, we're gonna need more water balloons."

Meanwhile, Ronin whistles while he cleans R.E.X. while Nya tries to control Water.

"Come on, Nya. Become the water, reverse the flow." The water droplets won't go up. Nya sighs. "Ugh!"

Ronin chuckles. "Giving up already?" He asks, grabbing a sponge so he can clean his dear ship.

Nya smiles sarcastically. "Course not." She sighs. "Sensei thinks if I get over my fear of failure, I'll be able to control the water. Sure, I made it rain when I wasn't even paying attention, but here I can't seem to stop a single drop. Ugh."

Ronin shrugs. "Wanna know about failure, should've asked me. Heck, I made a career out of it. Word of advice: don't try so hard. You can't fail if you don't care."

Nya furrows her eyebrows. "Don't try? What sort of backwards advice is that? Of course I'm gonna try hard. That's how one excels and—"

Ronin smirks. "Speaking of backwards..." He points behind her, where the droplets are flowing backwards.

Nya's eyes widen as she stares at at the droplets. "Oh my gosh! I'm doing it. I'm really doing it!"

Ronin chuckles. "Like I said, don't care so much. Usually when someone wants something too badly, they'll trip over their own feet." He grabs the sponge.

Nya smiles. "Wow!"

Ronin pauses. "Huh?"

Bansha is sending a message to Ronin

Morro walks towards her. "Can he hear you?"

Bansha smirks. "Oh, he can hear me."

Morro nods. "Tell him it's time to pay his debt. Tell him to bring me the sword." He states.

Ronin tries to look for the sword around the shop, but can't find it anywhere.

"Thanks for gathering on short notice."

Lacey looks up as Misako speaks up.

Kai glances at the criminal. "Looking for something?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ronin chuckles nervously. "Ha, just making sure the tea blends are in alphabetical order. Yup, A to Z, heh."

Lacey frowns at him, eyeing him. She quickly looks away when she feels the urge to cough, she pulls her hand back to see small droplets of blood. She quickly hides it from the others.

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