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Natalia stared the wolf girl down, "what?" 

Leah didn't flinch. She just repeated, "We're going to War. Me, Jacob. All the wolves." 

It sounded completely absurd. A frown settled over Natalia's face, "what are you talking about?" 

"Jake didn't want us telling you because he didn't want you to worry," Leah took a step closer, leaned against the toilet counter, "the newborns, the ones you saw during your hike that one time. There are more of them."

Natalia's knees went weak. More? Of these monsters? For a minute, the world was spinning. 


"They're looking for Bella," and Leah resumed to summarize the situation; about how Edward —Bella's vampire boyfriend — had killed another vampire named James, and how his mate Victoria was now seeking revenge and creating an army of newborns for it. It was all too much to take that the said Asian girl found purchase onto the edge of the sink, her mind playing back to that moment where the vampire's cold fingers had trailed over her jawline. 

She shuddered. Gross. Cold. Disgusting. 

"This War," Natalia said slowly as her hands found purchase onto the edge of her sweater, tightening into small fists as images of the vampires flickered behind her lids, "will it kill people?" 

She knew she sounded stupid. She heard herself speak and almost scoffed, but Leah didn't tease her for it. Her expression stayed somber, serious. 

"Yes," the wolf girl answered, eyes pinned on Natalia's, "it will kill people." 

Natalia took a shaky breath. This was worse than she'd imagined. She already trembled at the thought of those three vampires. She couldn't imagine seeing a whole army of them with their fangs bared and ready to suck out life from anyone that might remotely be delicious to the taste. 

"And—you're're all going—"

"Yes. We have no choice. We have to defend our land," Leah rolled her eyes then, "Bella's just an excuse. I, for one, don't give a shit about what happens to her." 

The revelation shook Natalia to the core, knowing that her friends were all going to be battling it out with creatures faster than lightning and rock solid like carved diamonds. She couldn't even imagine the amount of pain, the blood, the losses— it was all too much. A small whimper escaped the back of her throat, making Leah press her hand atop her shoulder before meeting her eyes. 

"Take me to them," was Natalia's only instruction before Leah nodded, guiding her out with a firm grip on her shoulder. 

The drive there was short and yet felt like an eternity before the finally spluttered to a stop before Emily's house. The boys were already out by that time, a mixture of surprise and excitement spreading across their faces the moment they spotted the said Chinese girl stepping out of the old, cranky land rover that had belonged to Harry Clearwater. 


"Hey stranger!" 

"Haven't seen you around in a while!" 

Embry was first, breaking into a sprint to gather Natalia up in his arms as the girl yelped, "Talia! What brings you here?!" His toothy grin melted some of the tension that had haunted her for the past few days and almost impulsively, she hugged him back, burying her face into his shoulder and inhaling the familiar scent of wood and boyish nature that claimed him as Embry. 

He was warm and safe and she'd missed him more than she could ever say. 

"Hey, give over," Paul was next, practically dragging her out of Embry's arms and into his own. He buried his face into her hair before pressing a soft, brotherly kiss to the back of her head. He wasn't a man of many words, but Paul's actions were quite clear to say: I've missed you

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