Pineapple Buns

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"First rule, no biting anyone's head off. And I'm speaking for both parties."

That was the rule doctor Carlisle put into place as he assessed the pack of wolves and his group of adopted children, all nostrils flared and looking like they were ready to murder at any given moment.

It was the second official meeting that he'd set after having come to an agreement with Sam about having the wolves trained and ready for newborns. The incident in the forest had been a stroke of luck, but the wolves would definitely need more than that if they intended to come out of this war successful and with all their limbs still intact.

Jacob hadn't liked the sound of this pact in the least. Knowing that this was all for Bella's sake slightly unnerved him and yet, he still felt a certain sense of duty for the auburn haired girl despite everything, maybe because somewhere deep inside him, he still hadn't moved on.

Jacob knew what it like to be in love. He also knew the amount of pain and heartbreak that it brought about. He wasn't sure he even knew what notmal had meant...until Natalia came along.

Reserved, aloof Natalia who pushed everyone away in hopes of keeping herself safe when all it did was hurt her like knives stabbing into her skin.

Natalia, who always buried her feelings to put smiles on other people's faces. Who'd endured so much rejection and insecurity that she didn't know how to love herself the most when it was clear she was exquisite to begin with.

Natalia, who'd look at him with those eyes and tell him that he wasn't a monster. Who tried protecting him from himself before she even knew the truth.

Natalia, with her heart of gold and her way of making things burn so much brighter.

"We're very grateful that you came," Carlisle continued, golden eyes darting from one wolf to another, "Jasper here has experience fighting newborns. There are a few things he'd like to show you."

As the dirty blonde ex-soldier began his explanations, Jacob caught a whiff of a familiar scent. Bella.

He glanced towards her figure as she paused at his side, "hey Jake."

He grumbled in response. He still hadn't forgotten their conversation a few nights ago. It was clear that there was some kind of unspoken jealousy from Bella's part and he should've been more excited about it. He should've basked in the attention because it felt great that, for once, Bella was looking at him as though he meant something to her, he should --

But he didn't.

His mind flashed straight to Natalia's face. The way her eyebrows would draw together to hide the fact that she was hurt. The way her lower lip would tremble with the onset of tears that she masked by looking away. 

"You shouldn't be fighting for me," Bella murmured, pressed against him, "you're putting your lives in danger, Jake."

He growled, as if to say we were already in danger to begin with.

"Does Natalia know about this?" She asked.

Jacob spared her a glance as the fight before them broke out with sharp noises and clashing rock against rock. He wasn't sure what she was expecting as answer. Just Natalia's name had goosebumps explode across his skin, along the back of his neck.

The answer was that the said imprinted girl didn't. And he felt like keeping it that way.

"It's a lot for her to take surely," Bella murmured on, "I'm sure she wished she wasn't implicated in all of this. She doesn't seem like the type to enjoy beyond what's ordinary." 

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