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Dear diary, 

I'm writing this while shoving some Tiramisu in my face. I made it last night in a panic to get my hands to do something while my brain ran at undress miles an hour. It was clear I was slightly anxious about what happened at the bonfire. 

No one can blame me. Red might be in danger if everyone knew about it. But Jacob doesn't strike me as the type to be inexplicably mean without reason. Plus, wolves were part of his ancestry, so why would he try to do anything to hurt Red in the first place? 

I want to talk to him, to ask him about it. But something in me doesn't wish to bring it up and make it a reality for fear that Jacob might do something I'll regret. The most important thing is to keep Red safe. 


Jacob, you there?

Jacob was running through the foilage, the wind tearing through his fur as his ears perked up at the howls in the distance. Embry and Quil, who seemed to have found something.

Yeah? He directed his question at Paul who was running a few feet ahead of him. The gray wolf stopped, sniffed the air for a bit, then turned to grunt.

Think they found something.

Shit. They're saying it's a body.

They exchanged a glance, then bounded towards the source of issue that seemed to have created a bit of havoc. Seth had joined the pair now, howling as he did so and his pain reveberated through Jacob's skull.

Shit man, it stinks of vampire.

Another newborn? Sam's voice boomed through the mind link. Jacob sped up, legs toiling through the forest floor. Paul was close behind.

Seems like. They're the only ones who leave this kind of mess.

What do they want? Lea spat out. Jacob could hear her pacing back and forth in his mind.

Alright can we all calm the fuck down? My head's about to explode.

The human body -- or what remained of it -- was definitely ravaged by a newborn. Bruises and lacerations adorned the woman's arms and legs, an ugly kill with only one intent -- blood.

It made Jacob sick in his stomach.

"Fucking leeches!" Paul kicked at a branch, watched it fly away with such force they all winced, "this is our land. They have no right!--"

"Paul, please," Sam grabbed his left forearm and applied pressure, physically restraining thw said man. His face had the look of a man thinking of his next move, "they want to fight. That's what they want."

"Like a provocation?" Asked Jared, leaning against a tree.

"We don't even know who's in charge of these murders," Leah said.

"I think it has something to do with the Cullens," Paul all but snarled, "dumb leeches have been coming around since they got back."

"Paul's got a point," Embry said.

"But these aren't experienced killers," Jacob said as he squatted down to inspect the marks along the body, "they almost look...deranged. out of control."

"That's probably because they are," Jared said grimly, "Sam, we need to report this."

Sam preferred to answer with silence, though it was clear that it was the wisest choice. They weren't safe anymore, nor was their community. They had to let the Forks police know.

Breaking Boundaries | Jacob BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora