Marshmallows over Open Fire

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Dear diary, 

Here i thought that I was starting to make friends around here. I guess not. 

You see, the thing is, there's this group of boys. They're nice and cool to hang out with. They're honestly such lovely people. For a long time in a while, I felt like I could belong with them, that I could belong somewhere at last even though we haven't known each other for long.

But I guess time and time again has proven that it's no use trusting people when all they want is to stab you in the back and know you out of personal interest. 

It sucks to be alive. When will this all end? 


"Pass the drinks, bro."

"You're too young to be drinking," Paul slapped Embry's head as he took the drinks away from the younger man's grasp, grinning, "soda's for the kiddies."

"Fuck off, Paul."

It was finally Saturday evening and practically the entire La Push community had gathered to listen to Billy's tales. Natalia herself was excited about it, having heard of it all week long, and she'd even confessed it to Red last night when they met under the stars.

"I wonder what kind of stories he'll tell," she had wondered aloud, Red's head currently in her lap as her fingers scratched him. It closed its eyes in appreciation, growling softly as it did so, "do you think they'll be scary?"

"Or..." she trailed off and glanced down at the said giant wolf that seemed to have manifested right out of a weird fairy tale, "do you think they know about you?" 

Red had frozen at her words. It pushed itself up in a sitting position before it regarded her with a look so serious Natalia felt a prickle of fear at the back of her spine. It cocked its head in a way that seemed to ask 'are you afraid of me?'

Natalia shook her head no, "there's nothing to be afraid of." 

It pushed its snout into her palm, eyes closing in contentment as she scratched behind its ears, "plus, you can't be so bad right? You're not the monster that people make you out to be." 

Red let out what sounded like a sigh as she continued, "I wonder...are there any more of you?" 

Even if she wanted to know, she wouldn't have any clue considering that Red didn't have the power of language. There was some kind of desire in her thought, a thirst to know more about where Red came from and whether he was the only one of his kind. It wasn't everyday that she'd encounter a giant wolf, after all.

The Bonfire was already lit and crackling with flames when she and her mother reached the beach parking lot, blankets and heavy duty jackets bundled up in their arms as they joined the circle of people, cheeks reddened with the heat of the fire. Warm and excited chatter filled the air as Natalia threaded her way through the throng of bodies until she came face to face with familiar faces, her own lips exploding into a grin. 

"You're late," Quil commented as he watched Embry and Paul shuffle to make her some space. Jacob was still nowhere to be found, not that she was looking for him. Not at all. 

"That's my mom's fault," Natalia settled herself next to Embry. He was warm, practically vibrating with heat as he passed her a marshmallow on a stick, "where's Jacob?" 

"Bringing the pale beauty over," Paul's tone was far from friendly, causing her eyebrow to shoot up,  "pale beauty?" 

"Bella," Embry said through a mouthful of marshmallow, "apparently she just got back from whatever exciting trip she's been on with her boyfriend." 

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