The Wolf Hunt

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The dark wolf ran at full speed between the rolling hills and the dark woods of fir and birch. He was passing, faster than lightning. Each of his steps left an astonishing dark trail on the ground.

He was a very strange wolf. He seemed to be made of shadow. His shape was imprecise, blurred, as if moving. His body seemed to be making curious undulations and his coat was like black flames fanned by the wind. He was made of darkness. His sight had an almost disturbing side to it. In particular his gaze, red as blood, a harbinger of massacre. A fiery red that was cold as death, hard as steel, silent as ice and sharp as a sword. He exuded a bestial, wild, indomitable aura. It was a nature not to bend before anything or anyone. His tail twitched in the air like a plume of black smoke. His legs, slightly arched, contracted to the rhythm of his strides. In the center of his eyes, were a golden pupil staring at you, devouring you from the inside. One could not detach oneself from this crushing gold. One was subject to its yoke, to the unleashed force of this animal. He seemed capable of crushing and tearing humans apart with its claws without mercy. His presence forced the men to bow before him. He was made to terrorize, to kill and to destroy. He was the fear. He was the end. When you met his gaze, it was synonymous with endless night. He was Sagyr's wolf.

And it was that same wolf running, fleeing from an unknown threat, yet strong enough to force him to leave. The landscape scrolled around him, forming only small fuzzy dots in his field of vision. He barely felt the ground under his paws, it was almost as if he were flying. No one could catch him, he was too fast, no one could chase him, no one could...

 - Has he finished running soon? He's starting to annoy me, one voice complained right next to him.

The wolf came to an abrupt stop, braking hard and nearly crashing headfirst into the ground. How had they managed to keep up? It was impossible, he was an immortal, unstoppable beast, a perfect creature, who had lived for millennia and they were just mere humans. The situation particularly annoyed the wolf. He had a furious desire to devour these disagreeable humans alive. He refused, him, the glorious creation of Sagyr, to bow before these insignificant beings.

He turned on himself, in order to face them. He was ready to fight. No one could hinder him.

He saw the girl who had spoken to him. This one pissed him off particularly. How could she even consider defeating him?

The girl had dark skin and long black hair, shiny, smooth and thick, gently blowing in the wind. Her eyes were as dark as night with a bright light shining in her pupils, reflecting the brightness of the sun. They had an elongated, almond shape, with long, thick, curved eyelashes. They pleated mischievously when she smiled, with an amused look deep in her eyes. Her eyebrows were light, a faint shadow above her eyes. Her face had fine features, a round shape with a triangular jaw. Her cheekbones were very marked with a slight redness that seemed permanent. Her lips were full and thick, a beautiful dark brown color. She had a very beautiful nose, straight, long and thin, giving her an assertive look. She wore a long beige poncho with lots of embroidery as well as clinking gold pieces sewn, a crisscrossing dot and line patterns on the sleeves. At the end of her poncho hung long fringes blown by the wind. She had many choker necklaces, in sparkling white pearls, which contrasted with the color of her skin. She also had a lot of large ornaments, made of myriads of colored stones and threads, which produced a joyful bell sound with each movement. Below from the poncho, she wore a petticoat of rough, hard, brown material with white stripes sewn on it. At her feet, fine leather shoes that seemed flimsy. Around her ankles danced golden rings and threads adorned with feathers. She had several rings in her hair, and also a feather, big, white and red. Her arms were also covered with bracelets.

In her hand she held a long, ancient, slender, pale wooden staff. At one end, a green bead was embedded. At the other end, the wood curled up and formed a loop within which floated another much larger green bead, which seemed to radiate light.

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