Part 15: Visting and meeting

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Keith and Mason already left their house to go visit Nathan and Yang. They both went to the usual store to buy snacks and drinks. After that, now they're just walking to Nathan's mansion.

It's a peaceful walk, birds chirping, wind rustling, people walking and the car honks. Then, they meet a familiar red head.

"Oh! Hey Keith! How are ya?" Fan asked with a cheerful attitude. "Oh hey, it's been good, I'm heading to a friend's house right now. How bout you?" Keith replied.

"Nothing much, I'm just walking around finding inspiration for my blog." He replied, then suddenly looked panicked. "OH SORRY I HAVE TO GO!!!" He quickly ran away in a hurry.

"What's his deal?" Mason popped out of Keith's pocket to comment on it. "Dunno, maybe he forgot he had a meeting or something." Keith shrugged it off and continued to go to Nathan's mansion.


They finally got to Nathan's place and knocked on the door. "Who is dis??" A voice said in confusion. "It's Keith-" He was cut off because the door slammed open then immediately Nathan hugged him.

"KEITH-A-ROOOO!!!" Nathan exclaims loudly. "Oh heya." Yang greeted Keith. "Uhh heyy." Keith replied while pushing Nathan away. "I got snacks and drinks if you wanna hang." Keith said while gesturing the plastic bag. "Oh okay! Let's go to my room then!" Nathan quickly grabbed Yang and Keith's wrist and started running to his room.

After 2 minutes, they finally got to Nathan's room. "Yknow, people are not as fast as you are.." Keith said while he use his inhaler. Yang full on fell on the carpet. "Well, I did redecorating and I was just excited to show ya!" Nathan opens the doors to his room.

Keith and Yang were shocked at the amount of colours and things in Nathan's room. Yin and Mason  jumped out of their pockets and started to explore while Nathan went to a couch and sat. Keith and Yang followed.

"Soo, how does it feel living with a crazy kid?" Keith asked Yang. "Well, it's interesting." They replied. "Oh! Right, me and Yangsterz are goin to school tomorrow! Yangzi here is gonna be my pretend little brother!" Nathan added.

"Oh, well I can see the similarities between you two," Keith said. "But, it doesn't make sense. If you had a little brother all this time then why didn't they came to school earlier?" He questioned. "Well, we could say he is a transfer! Or that they went to a different school before moving here. They can be my half-brother." Nathan answered. "I rather be transferred." Yang added.

Meanwhile, the phones found a RC car, I think we know what is about to happen. Mason generated tape to tape their glasses so it doesn't fly away and Yin got the controller. And thus, they zoomed around the room and laughed loudly. Even the others laughed. But a tiny Lego piece send Yin and Mason flying to a mountain of pillows.

"YOOOO THAT WAS FUN!!" Mason exclaimed. "Heheh yea. Wait,where's your glasses?" Yin asked while pointing Mason's  face area. Other than searching, Mason just generate the same looking glasses and taped it on his face again, than smiled.

 Other than searching, Mason just generate the same looking glasses and taped it on his face again, than smiled

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[544 words! Wowza! Recently I'm going to be busy so ye. I am lazy as heck lol.]

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