Part 11: Nightly Adventures

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(Hello! This is a filler chapter so feel free to skip it! Only tiny bit of lore and foreshadowing but it will be mentioned at the end of the chapter if you don't want to miss a thing. )

2:17 am

Mason stands up from the charger and saw Keith sleeping. They smirks and got their arms from the 'limb' box. They jumped down the table and fell flat on its face. "Good thing the carpet is soft" it whispered while standing up then rubbing their face(?) area.

Mason then walks to Keith's computer and tries to get on the table. It was a struggle but it managed by using the wires behind the table. It opened the computer and Bluetoothed them with the computer. Thus, bench watching begins.

3:05 am

After watching a few new episodes of a cooking show they liked, they got the idea on searching themself on YouSphere(YouTube). Just before they about to search it, they got distracted by a 1 hour long of 'funny videos'.


After watching the video, they almost forgot about searching themself. They went to the search bar again and then searched. They saw the first result, "Inanimate Insanity??" Mason's eyebrow rises as they saw it went for 3 seasons and gained a lot of views. They again, benched watched whole 3 seasons.


Mason has watched all the episodes and really enjoyed it, they fantasized on how they will meet the MePhone in the show. Of course, the only difference to know which is which is that Mason has a crack in the corner on its screen because their, first meeting, with Keith and the MePhone in the show is clean and is advance alot more than Mason.

They wonders on how they will charge as he didn't see any wireless chargers in the show. Thinking of charging, Mason was at 36% so they decided it is enough for now. They jumps off the computer's table after closing it, again falling on its screen, went to the bedside table and rested. They still wonders about the new world they watched, maybe someday they can meet them.

[360 words, sorry that it is short but it is filler. So recap, Mason found out the internet before Saturday morning, that's why they were in low battery as mentioned last chapter. They found inanimate insanity and wonders maybe, just maybe one day, they'll meet them. Tf my grammar sucks here. ]

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