Part 7: Helping others

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Keith's POV

They both talked non-stop, it's almost like the first time I met Nathan, non-stop chatter. At least Mephone is actually listening to him. And I know some new things about Mephone that I didn't asked it before. Should I rename Mephone to something else? Maybe, it would be easier to call it if we do find other people that also have a Mephone. It would be confusing, heheh.

"Ooh yeah! Keith-an. There's a rumor saying there will be a new kid in school! We can make a new frienddd!" Nathan said to me. " From knowing a tiny bit from Nathan, I also agree. You do need a new friend, you only have a crazy kid and a talking phone anyways." Mephone added. "Well, that's enough people for me to deal with." I said, still having the tiredness in my voice. "But Keith-a-rooo :( You need more friends." Nathan said in a saddening voice.

A notification dinged from Mephone. "Nathan, did you send me a massage?" "It's not Nathaniel, it's a completely new number" I looked at the number, it was definitely not ma's number. I grabbed Mephone slowly as I looked at the massage. "Please go to ###### if you want to chat. It's us, thank you for helping me get to Yang, if you were slower, he couldn't have made it. This is Yin, the white Mephone from earlier btw, Yknow, from the fight." Huh, I feel like this is a trap, and also an answer. Nathan sat close to see the massage.

"Wait, you were in a fight? Well that explains the nose bleed.", " Nathaniel, we're going there-", "OHH HICK HECK NO, YOU IS TIRED AND HURT!!!" Nathan yelled in concern. "Ohh don't worry, I'm not going alone. ", "... YknowIRememberIHadExtraClassSoYeaSeeYaa-" I grabbed Nathan's shirt. "Hehe heheh. Your too predicable" , "WAAAAAA WHY YOU DEMON AAAA HELP HELP HELP MEEEE!!!!!!" Nathan's face turns into horror as he trys to escape. Meanwhile Mephone is eating it's newly generated cookies. And enjoying the show.

(Few minutes later. It's 1:27 pm)

No ones POV, it's just you.

The trio walked down the streets to go to a building the number texted. Mephone is enjoying seeing the streets, Nathan is having second thoughts of being Keith's friend and Keith is focused on the current situation. They reached the destination after walked through a dark alley way. There, they see the duo, Yin and Yang.

Yin is sitting on Yang's shoulder, swinging it's artificial rubber legs while Yang is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Hey!" Keith shouted to get their attention. Yang jumped at the sudden voice and looked at their direction. ".. What's with the other boy?" Yang said seemingly cautious. "Don't worry! This is Nathaniel Qaizer, I'm Keith Herons and this is Mephone 4, I haven't figured a nickname yet. We came because of your message." Keith informed Yang. "... We.. need help, in the moment. I'm Yangshi Vero but you can call me Yang and this is my Phone, Yin." They introduced themselves to the trio.

"Well uhh nice to meet both of you!" Nathan spoke. "Soo, what might be your problem?" Nathan asked. "Yeah, you said you need help, we will help both of you with our best abilities!" Keith said in confidence.

[548 words, sorry, got lazy. Also, I might have a test, so yea.]

[A New Perspective] (II AU) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz