Chapter 24: Field Trip

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3rd Person POV


"Say that again," Yang demanded. She, Blake, and Weiss sat on the bunkbed opposite Sincline and Ruby. After returning from the CCT tower and informing Ironwood of what had happened, the two had decided to sleep the rest of the night and let the others know what occurred in the morning. Needless to say, they were taking it well. "What happened last night?"

"Well..." Ruby exchanged looks with Sincline before turning back to her sister. "After Sincline and I danced last night, I was having trouble with my heels, so we went outside and saw this woman in black running on the rooftop. We followed her to the CCT, and we... we..."

Sincline gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll take it from here," he assured, seeing that Ruby was still having trouble handling what she saw last night. While he had little doubt that she had the capacity to take someone's life, he knew that the sight of so many dead would be traumatizing for someone at her age... at least, that's what he could tell from what he found in Beacon's library.

Nodding, Ruby sat back, and Sincline faced the others. "We followed the woman to the CCT just as Ruby said. But when we got there..." He glanced at Ruby before turning back to the others. "Everyone was already dead."

Weiss gasped, and Yang's fist clenched, but Blake remained indifferent, only glancing at Ruby worriedly. She had been part of the White Fang, so death was no stranger to her. But for Ruby to see it like that...

"We tracked the woman to the top floor and engaged her, hoping we could keep her pinned till help came or..." Sincline trailed off.

"Or what?" Weiss asked.

Sincline glanced at Ruby, then at Yang. "Take her out," Sincline replied, shocking them. "She fought with glass weaponry and used Dust in ways I've never seen before. We almost had her... and then she took a cheap shot at Ruby and knocked her out a window. I went after Ruby, and when we returned to the tower... she was gone."

The three girls were silent, not really sure what to say. Yang was horrified among many other things. To think that her baby sister had witnessed all that.... and that she had been willing to kill someone.

"Do you think it could have been that woman you fought before you came to Beacon?" Blake asked, moving the conversation forward. Dwelling on last night would change nothing.

Sincline blinked. "Wait, Ruby fought her before?" he asked, stunned. That woman had been able to fend off both him and Ruby, albeit with a lot of difficulty, so if Ruby had fought her earlier without the training and experience she had now...

"We'll fill you in later," Weiss said before turning back to Ruby. "Well?"

Ruby hesitated, the memories of last night still fresh in her mind. "Maybe. They fought kinda the same... maybe it was her."

"What—" Whatever Yang was going to say was cut off as Goodwitch's voiced echoed over the intercom.

"Would Ruby Rose and Sincline please report to the headmaster's office? Again, would Ruby Rose and Sincline please report to the headmaster's office?"

"We've gotta go," Ruby said, standing up with Sincline following her lead. "Wish us luck."

"You're gonna need it," Yang joked half-heartedly, still shaken from learning what had happened last night. Sure, she had hurt a lot of people, but to learn that her sister had almost killed someone...

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