Late Valentine's Day Special

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3rd Person POV


"Come on guys, we've gotta think of something to give Sincline for Valentine's Day," Ruby complained, pacing back and forth in the middle of the dorm while the others watched her... Well, Weiss and Yang were. Blake was just reading a book. "We can't let him outdo us like he did on Christmas!"

"And how exactly do we do that?" Yang asked skeptically. "The guy literally crafted your gift and Weiss's by hand; he tracked mine down after failing multiple times; and he flew halfway across the world to get Blake's. That's gonna be impossible to top."

Weiss sighed. "I agree with Yang." She paused, pursing her lips. "That felt strange to say."

"Guys, we gotta do something," Ruby whined, earning a nod of agreement from Weiss.

"We could always get him chocolates," Blake suggested absentmindedly, flipping to the next page of her book. "It works for everyone else."

Ruby's mouth opened... then closed. He does like chocolate... "Then it's settled!" Ruby declared, jumping onto her bunk. Balancing precariously, she raised her fist to the sky. "We'll give Sincline the best Valentine chocolates he'll ever receive!"

Just then, someone knocked on the door, ruining the moment and causing the four members of Team RWBY to turn toward the door. "Um... come in?" Weiss said uncertainly.

The lock clicked, and Pyrrha entered, Nora close behind. "I'm sorry, but we couldn't help but overhear," the red-haired spartan apologized sheepishly.

"This place has really thin walls," Nora offered helpfully. "I mean, you won't believe the things we heard last night—"

Pyrrha slapped a hand over Nora's mouth, her face turning as red as her hair. "Anyway," she said hurriedly before her... energetic teammate could say anymore, "we were wondering if we could help since, well... I don't think I can restrain Nora on my own."

At that, the other four girls nodded. "Fair point," Blake conceded, and nodded toward her team leader. "Truth be told... we have enough trouble with Ruby stealing our desserts during dinner. We'd never get through pouring the first batch."

"That's not true!" Ruby protested. Everyone stared at her, and she looked down, shifting from foot to foot. "Well... mostly."

With Sincline

"So, let me get this straight," Sincline said slowly as he sat across from Jaune on a bench in the courtyard beneath a tree. Mercury was leaning against the tree, idly tossing an apple into the air and catching it while Ren... was meditating on a branch while upside down. "Today is Valentine's Day... meaning everyone dresses up in red and gives chocolate to each other... for free?"

Jaune shrugged. "Something like that." It had been a couple hours since classes had ended and, upon seeing the now familiar 'what in Oum's name is going on?' expression on Sincline's face, Jaune, Ren, and Mercury decided to explain the concept of yet another holiday to their fellow Huntsman.

Ren sighed, opening his eyes and glancing at Sincline. "It's a bit more complicated than that, Sincline." Flipping right side up, he dropped, landing in a crouch beside Mercury. "Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love in all its forms, whether it be romantic or platonic."

"Most of the time, it's the first option," Mercury pointed out, taking a bite out of his apple in the process.

"Or in my case, it's usually the last one," Jaune muttered, shivering as he remembered the many 'gifts' his sisters had given him.

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