Chapter 19: Dangerous Day: Part 2

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3rd Person POV

Redfield Café, Vale

"I think you're gonna tear my arm off sooner or later," Sincline groaned, rubbing his arm as he and Ruby entered the Redfield Café. Despite the rundown appearance, the smells radiating from the kitchen were amazing.

Ruby shrugged, the two getting in line behind a boy with black hair and green eyes, a girl with bushy brown hair, and another boy with red hair and freckles. "If I haven't yanked Yang's arm off yet, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine," she replied.

"I hope you're right," Sincline muttered as the group ahead of them took a seat and they stepped up opposite a young woman dressed in torn blue jeans, a black cropped tank top, and a red sleeveless jacket, her brown hair tied back in a ponytail.

"Hey, I'm Claire Redfield," she introduced, a welcoming smile on her face. "Anything I can get you two?"

"Weeeeell... here's the thing," Ruby said hesitantly and explained the situation with Roulette, causing Claire's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Little Spin-around sent you?" she asked. "Let me guess; she gave you a card?"

Sincline nodded and passed it to her.

Checking it over, Claire nodded, satisfied. "Well, looks like you two get a free one today," she commented, tossing the card over her shoulder and embedding it in the steel wall behind her. "So, would you like the buffet, or would you like to order?"

"One of every cookie you have, please," Ruby requested immediately, causing both Sincline and Claire to sweatdrop.

Well, that's definitely a first, Claire thought. Hiding her surprise behind a smile, she turned back to Sincline. "And you?"

"Um..." Sincline scanned the display scrolling along the wall above and behind the brown-haired woman in front of them. "What would you recommend?"

"Well, not to toot my own horn, but I've got a pretty wide array of meat dishes that'll blow your mind," Claire replied with a small laugh. "But if I had to pick any of them, I'd go with the ribs, half-rack."

People eat their own ribs? Sincline wondered, then figured it must be one of those names that make no sense. "Okay, uh, can I have some of that, please?" he requested.

Claire nodded and quickly typed in the order. "Alright, just give me a couple minutes, and I'll have your order right out," she assured and gestured to a table right beside the window. "Your table's over there. Don't worry, I'll have your food out in a second."

Exchanging looks, Ruby and Sincline nodded and crossed to the table while Claire headed back into the kitchen to retrieve their orders.

"So, these ribs," Sincline said conversationally as he took a seat, Ruby sliding in opposite him with the game console set between her and the wall, so she could keep an eye on it. "Are they good?"

Ruby nodded. "Not as good as my cookies, but good enough," she affirmed, earning a laugh from the mech-turned-human.

An awkward silence filled the air, and Ruby turned her thoughts back to their time in the arcade, her cheeks reddening as she remembered the way she had embraced Sincline earlier.

"Okay, fine... I might have a small, tiny, very slight crush on Sincline, but that doesn't mean he likes me back!"

"I don't see why he wouldn't."

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