Chapter One (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

"Sirius Black do NOT finish that sentence!" Silvia scolded, going bright red.

Despite being surrounded by dementors for 12 years, Sirius and Silvia Black, oh sorry Snape-Black had always managed to make each other happy simply by just being there for each other and giving each other hope when nothing else could. Oh and about that escape plan, you see, Sirius and Silvia realised that they could transform into their animagus forms and fool the dementors. (Took them an awful time to realise I know, but hey! Let's give them a break)

"Silv, I need you to promise me something..if something goes wrong, promise me that you will leave me behind and you will get out of here, see the world, visit moony or your brother. Find Harry. Just promise me?" asked Sirius.

"Siri.." Silvia sighed.

"Please Silvia, promise me.." pressured Sirius.

"I promise, but don't think for a second I won't hesitate to come back for you" said Silvia.

"That's why I married you, you're resilient and stubborn, too stubborn for your own good" said Sirius.

"I get it from my brother" said Silvia

"Now let's get the hell out of here Siri" said Silvia, grasping his hand and squeezing it with hope.

Severus' face paled drastically and he winced as he dropped his hot, morning coffee onto his lap as he read the headline of the Daily Prophet that day. Severus doesn't usually read the newspapers as he finds it too depressing but today was different, he felt like he had to.


The mass murdering couple, loyal followers of you-know-who escaped from Azkaban in the early hours of July 14. The Minister of Magic states that the Muggle Prime Minister has been alerted and anyone who sees Mr Black and Mrs Snape-Black should keep their distance from them and alert their nearest Auror Office and be cautious.

Some members of the wizarding community as well as the Minister of Magic believe the couple have escaped to get revenge and find Harry Potter for bringing the downfall of their Dark Lord.

The Ministry is offering an award of 2000 galleons if anyone finds them or has heard anything about them and have information which could be used in the capture of the couple once again.

Severus began to feel sick. Black and his wife, his sister. Had escaped. Severus felt as if the nightmare of October 31, 1981 was happening all over again and coming to haunt him.
Sure, when Sirius and Silvia had gotten together and married he was not happy but he got over it because Black made his sister happy and that's all he could ask for.

Everything went downhill in the days leading to October 31, 1981. His sister had stopped talking to him, Severus was being ordered to do missions for The Dark Lord every day, he never saw his sister much anymore and that had pained him.

When he found out that Black and his sister- no. He refuses to call her his sister. When Black and his wife had did what they did and sold out his lily, Harry and James he was furious. Her own best friends. He has never felt anger like it. He felt betrayed and heartbroken. No, not for his sister, she deserved what she got. He felt heartbroken for Lily but also a small bit for Harry, he would never see his parents again.

Black and his wife were evil, guilty, murderous, traitorous people. Nothing more, nothing less.

As he sat in his armchair in his home in Spinner's End he hoped and prayed that they would get caught and thrown back into Azkaban, hell maybe even given the dementors kiss. But as much as Severus tried to convince himself that that was all his sister was, a murderer, somewhere in his heart was still pained and broken that he had lost her forever.
He blames Black for most of it, he probably put the imperious curse on her.

As Harry sat on the damp pavement at the side of the road feeling the cool, autumn crisp breeze go down his back he felt as if something or someone was watching him. He heard rustling coming from the bushes in front of him and he stood up, wand at the ready.

Emerging from the bushes was a dark, black dog which was unfortunately growling at him. Harry stepped back and fell on the pavement, wand falling out of his hand. "Caw! Caw!" Looking up from the dog, Harry now noticed which looked like a crow looking at him intensely.

He must be daydreaming but he swore he saw the crow look at the dog threateningly when it growled at him.

As the dog stalked a bit closer, a tall, purple..bus? Had driven around the corner and it began honking at him, slowing down into a stop right in-front of him.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for a stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening" said a man (assuming his name is Stan) from the Knight Bus. Silvia had been on this before after running away from home after her father had beat her and Severus for coming home late.

"What'chu doing down there for?" asked Stan glancing down at Harry.

"I fell over" he responded bluntly.

"What'chu fell over for?" asked Stan. Sirius and Silvia glanced at each other and both of them knew they would be having a laugh at this once they transform back.

"I didn't do it on purpose" said Harry. 'Ooo sassy Harry, definitely got that one from James' Silvia thought.

"Well come on then! Let's not wait for the grass to grow" replied Stan. Me and Sirius went back into the bushes and out the other side in order to not be seen by Stan. As we were leaving them we heard the last bit of their conversation.

"What'chu lookin at?" Asked Stan

"Nothing" Harry responded quickly.

"Well come on then! No no no I'll get that you get in" Said Stan.

After their interaction, we heard painful grunts, 'must be carrying Harry's trunk' she thought. Sirius learnt that lesson in fourth year when he offered to carry her trunk for her, he broke his wrist and swore to never carry a trunk again; especially a girls' one.

I flew onto Sirius' back and he began running, allowing the cool breeze to flow through our animagus forms. This year was going to be interesting, but like Sirius said once before, what's life without a little risk?

A/n: well the first chapter is doneeee, if you've been here before then you know how bad I am with updating and how unreliable I am when it comes to completing stories but I promise you I'm going to really try with this one, I love my idea of where this is going to go so I really want to complete it. I already have a sequel idea and this is only the first chapter!
When it comes to updating, my motivation is really bad, this is usually because of my mental health half the time but I'm going to do my best. I go back to school Monday so not sure when the next chapter will be. Updates will mainly be on weekends as I have exams coming up. With that being said, have a great day/night! <3
Also i'd appreciate if you comment and vote so i know what you like and don't like, it also inspires me A LOT! ♥️

 With that being said, have a great day/night! <3Also i'd appreciate if you comment and vote so i know what you like and don't like, it also inspires me A LOT! ♥️

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