Chapter 10: Flirting games

Start from the beginning

We both stay quiet, giggles which escalate his mouth.  Making me feel bad for myself, because he knows, he knows. He fucking knows no male dares to touch me when I'm under his surveillance, his protection. No male dares to look at me when he comes between me and everyone I meet.

One man was brave enough to not acknowledge him and he ended up rejecting me.

He laughed at me and my pitty self which made me furious! Filling me with rage and frustration! I wanted to scream, scream on top of my lungs! Because he is the reason behind my virginity.

"Fuck you Adrian! You've ruined everything you asshole! You just keep humiliating me in front of everyone it's literally exhausting, unfair! I'm so tired of your constant underestimations and undervaluation. I'm sick and tired of this attitude!" I shove him away, pushing him with all my strength and force.

"Why! Why do you hate me so much? Why do you keep destroying everything?"I shouted, my fists collide with his chest although he didn't flinch, he didn't cared.

A pause, a quick pause in which he said nothing he only stared at me serious regarding my words.

"Someday you will thank me." Says him with one of his calm looks.

Right now, I want to rip off my hair, scream and scream and shove myself inside a hole and never come out again, but I can't. I'm forced to be here, against this wooden door with his body contacting mine.

I'm forced to gaze him straight in the eyes.

"Why don't you leave me alone!?" I sound, wondering voice filled with an exhaustion sensation as I exhale deeply.

His hand leading my chin, his fingers touching my bare skin sending goosebumps all around my body.

"And miss making you furious?" He questions bending over me.
"There is no way I'm leaving you alone Victoria." He claims, serious yet collected, but still my eyes fall once again on those tempting lips.
"I'll be here to remind you every single day of your life, I'm the only man who can make you feel like this."

I'm speechless. He was giving me those eyes, pushing all the right buttons, manipulating me. Having me gazing at him like a fool, a speechless fool. With a satisfied face noticing how I was somehow 'craving' for this pair of lips. I wasn't, I hated him. I despise him with everything in me.

"Why don't you go and annoy someone else, Perhaps your Madeleine. Or was it Madelia?" I mentioned, grabbed his hand and dragged it off my face, I just couldnt let him get away with it, I couldn't not mention him it.

Silly me, she is so forgetful that I instantly forgot her name..

"She isn't mine."

Yeah sure if she fucks every male she sees.
Although, I can't believe a word coming out of his mouth, he had a girlfriend all this time and I had no idea, I don't care. I don't care if he has ten girlfriends, I shouldn't care..

My eyes roll, with the impression of a red blush embracing my cheeks, suddenly I felt heated, alarmed.

"What are you then, fuck buddies? Friends with benefits or is she just a fuck doll?" I require some answers with my arms crossed and my eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"Mostly." He answers..

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you." I say straight to his face with a disgusted look on my face. Only by considering him next to another woman feels wrong, it feels annoying..

"Don't be jealous Tesoro." His voice sounds deep and raspy having me all wrapped around him.

"Stop calling me that for fuck's shakes!" I screamed at him, escaping his gape and strolling around the room irritated.

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