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A/n:this is a different one hope you enjoy.

Once upon a time, there was a father and his son. The son had never known life without the shadow of cancer looming over their family. His mother had been suffering from a terrible form of cancer since the day he was born and had been in the hospital for as long as he could remember. The father had always done his best to juggle taking care of his son, his job, and visiting his wife in the hospital every day.

As the years went by, the son grew accustomed to the hospital environment, but he always held out hope that one day his mother would be able to come home. Finally, after a decade of treatment, the mother's condition began to improve, and the family was overjoyed.

They eagerly prepared for the day of her release, picking out cute clothes and buying flowers to welcome her home. As they left the hospital, the father and son felt like they were on top of the world. They ran towards their car, filled with excitement and happiness.

But as they turned around to take one last look at the hospital, their world came crashing down. They saw their mother, lying lifeless on a hospital bed, surrounded by frantic doctors and nurses. The wrong medicine had been administered, and it was too late to save her.

The father and son were devastated, their dreams of a happy reunion shattered in an instant. But in the midst of their grief, they found solace in each other. They leaned on each other, cried together, and slowly started to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.

Over time, the father and son healed from their loss, but they never forgot their beloved wife and mother. They remembered her strength, her love, and her resilience in the face of such a terrible disease. And although they never got to have the happy ending they had dreamed of, they found comfort in the memories they shared and the love they had for each other.

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