the painter

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A/n: Hi guys, so, for writing this, I asked one of my friends to say three words that I could write about, and she said some, and here we are, and I added a song in it, hope you guys enjoy.

First person pov
I was reading a newspaper, the latest news was about the death of a man due to falling from a building, some people think that they saw someone behind that man who pushed him, some say that he was one of several desperate people who killed himself by jumping from that tower.  What do I think, you ask?  To be honest, I don't involve myself in such stories much, I try to lose myself in my favorite world, that is, the world of my paintings, and I don't involve myself  with outside and its ridiculous events and fictional people as much as possible. I think some people don't deserve to live. You never know, Maybe the one who died today did not deserve to live. Some people are dirty,They are like weeds In order to healthy grasses stay healthy and happy the weeds must be cut. Anyway, I say that I don't like to get into these discussions.  I picked my brush up and went to finish my half-finished painting, a bit was left from the painting of its environment and the face of one of the people. I finished painting the environment, only the details of that person's face remained, yes, I remember the details of his face, I remember most of their faces. The faces that until a few moments ago, was full of pride and arrogance, was now filled with fear and regret, regret and fear, you can't tell anyone so let me be honest with you, when that man fell from that building, I was there, yes, and one thing that  The media is wrong, is that the man was pushed from behind, actually no, it was not like that, he was pushed from the front, right on the chest, he was thrown down as he was pleading, asking why i know so well... wait a minute
The canvas was finished, everything about it was perfect, his face was completely drawn, even I think he had the best facial expression in my recent paintings, I took my painting and took it to the room where I hung the rest of the paintings on the wall, next to the newspaper that  The news of their death was written in it, some of them are so worthless that no news about them was even leaked, in any case, this was another weed, just like the rest of them.
Let's go back to your question. Well, got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you save, better lock it in your bucket taken this one to the grave, if i show you that i know you wont tell what i said, cause two can keep a secret when one of them is dead, i know because I was there myself, that's right, I was present in all those paintings, actually I pushed him myself. I'm sure they won't be able to find the killer, because they think there is none because they all look like suicides, and because I know what I'm doing, just one thing is that this is our little secret, and bad things happen to people who can't keep secrets, and you don't want to be one of them right?

A/n: ok, this is it. I really hope you enjoyed enjoyed it. If you have any ideas or requests, I would be glad if you share it with me.

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