💙Masculine looking reader actually being a girl

Start from the beginning

Yuki Maeda: 

You and Yuki were pretty good friends

Not "walk right in when the other is changing" good friends, but you guys enjoyed each other's presence

Yuki's luck and obliviousness came into play when he decided he would knock on your door and see if you wanted to hang out

He noticed your door was open and got scared, what if you were killed!?

He opened it, hoping he wasn't about to find your corpse

"Wha...! Y-Y/N!?"

His face goes red when he realizes that not only are you a girl, but he also just walked in on you changing

He quickly runs out of the room and avoids you like the plague (because he's embarrassed that he walked in on you, not because you're a girl)

You confronted him about it and he admitted that he was surprised to realize that you were actually a girl

You lightly teased him over the whole ordeal, much to his embarrassment

He made sure you identified as a girl before openly using those pronouns and correcting your friends

Shinji Kasai: 

Shinji treated you like he treated any guy, basically forcing you to work out with him and insisting that you called him big bro

You worked out with him, Hajime, and Yuki for a while, and they were none the wiser

Until you forgot about training one day.

"YOU ARE LATE TO TRAINING!!" You heard Shinji pound on your door.

"Sorry! I was talking with Sora! I'm getting changed, then I'll head to-" 

Shinji didn't let you finish, nearly busting down the door to the room just to find you half naked.

He low key screamed before covering his eyes and running away, too embarrassed to put the door back 

He couldn't look you in the eyes after that and nearly everything you said made him turn red

He would faint if you ever called him big bro again

Hajime and Yuki have no idea what's going on, and Shinji is too embarrassed to say it, so you're the one telling them

It's a while before Shinji can talk to you without getting extremely red, but him and his friends still welcome you to train with them

Hajime Makunouchi: 

Like Shinji, he thought you were cool and invited you to work out with him!

The two of you went for a jog around the island and did some push-ups until it felt like the both of you were gonna pass out

Eventually, Hajime let you take a water break and you savored every drop before talking about how hot you felt

"Is this what a good workout is?"

"Hell yeah! If you're too hot, you can just take your shirt off." 

You stared at him. 

Bruh moment

"...I'm a girl." 

"....Wait what!?" 

He didn't mind too much, he was just really embarrassed that he told a girl to take her shirt off

You just laughed and told him it was alright

He didn't treat you any differently after that, but would correct people if they misgendered you (after making sure that you identify as a girl)

Syobai Hashimoto: 

He was having a smoke in the monocruise, and minding his own business when he noticed you head into the girls bathroom

"...Whatever. I'm not paid to care." 

He quickly put the pieces together upon realizing that only girls could enter the girls bathroom


Still doesn't care.

Mikado Sannoji:

He's the mastermind, who literally planned his killing game plan down to the last detail

He already knew

Nikei Yomiuri:

Like Yuri, he thinks you're a pervert when he sees you enter the girls room

It takes him a few moments to suddenly remember the fact that only girls could enter the girls room

The second you leave, be prepared to be bombarded with questions

"What a scoop! Y/n is actually a girl! Do you identify as a boy? Why didn't you correct us?!"

Honestly, there's a chance he already knew since he scanned your file before the killing game started, but he pretended to be surprised for the sake of appearing oblivious and for the scoop

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