💜Falling in Love with S/o

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Iroha Nijue:

Iroha loved conventions almost as much as she loved art itself. Of course, her family didn't approve of anything manga or anime related, but thankfully they should be busy with a new art exhibit, giving her the chance to sneak out and enjoy the con.

To be safe, she hid her face in a cosplay, and gleefully visited each booth, her bag filled with merchandise after less than an hour. When she learned that one of her favorite animes was holding a preview for the upcoming season? Nothing could hold her back, not even the dread of having to sit through a near eternal line just to be able to see it.

During the wait, she tried to make conversation with some of the people near her, but they mostly ignored her or told her to shut up.

"Hey! I love your cosplay! Is it —— from ——?"

With her art skills, she had been getting compliments about her cosplay from the moment she entered the con, but this voice made her blush a bit. She turned around and nodded to you, beginning to rant about her favorite characters from the anime.

Unlike everyone else, you listened to her, adding some comments of your own. The two of you had so much in common! Eventually the two of you were singing the theme song together, jumping up and down in excitement.

When someone told the both of you to shut up, you told the guy off, something she would never have the courage to do. The rest of the wait seemed to fly by, and the two of you continued talking, rambling, and laughing together.

Iroha felt like she could completely be herself, even if she began to find herself giggling and blushing at almost everything you said. Just as the preview began to show, you turned to her one last time,

"Iroha, can you see? I just realized I might be blocking you. You wanna get in front of me to see better?"

That was the moment you won her heart. Someone that listened, cared, and never judged her hobbies, and actually took into account how she felt? You didn't even call her stupid when she tried to read a pamphlet upsidedown!

She decided you were a keeper, and unconsciously drew you in her sketchbook as she watched the preview. Despite the cheers of excitement, she now had something that made her even happier.

Iroha blushed when you complimented her sketch of you with a red face of your own.

Arm in arm, the two of you enjoyed the rest of the convention together, forming a bond that Iroha would never forget

Yoruko Kabuya:

Yoruko released a relived sigh as her shift finally ended, and after helping Ms. Tomori close up the bar, she took her backpack and began to head home.

As she made her way to the subway station, she heard a slurred, drunken voice from behind her,

"..Y-Yourrr...dat....pretty gurl..."

Yoruko turned around, seeing one of the creeps she thought had left the bar hours ago. She tightened her grip on her bag and continued walking, but the man wouldn't be quiet, and kept trying to approach her. When he gripped her arm, she finally smacked him away and snapped,

"Leave me alone!"

"C'mon...dressing like that...You're just asking for it...."

"What did you just say!?"

In his drunken state, the man laughed again, reaching for her dress. Yoruko yelped, just as someone ran over to the two of them, and the man began to scream.

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